
Monday, December 13, 2021

Old and New on Middlesex Street, Lowell, MA. Photo Dates 2017, 2018, 2020 and Sept. 4, 2021.

I thought you'd like to see this friendly face before my walk of downtown Middlesex Street. This photo taken June 22,  2019.

Middlesex Street was during part of the removal of the Lord Overpass. The empty field on the right, below Durkins and the red chair. 

The below five pictures were taken on December 5, 2021.

On the left, where the brick is dark, used to be some small buildings, or maybe one big one,  (one wall had "Lowell Glass," painted on the brick, shown below). They collapsed earlier this year.

Next three photos, looking up the street. These are older pictures, before the collapse.

A new building shown above is nearing completion (on the right) first appeared wrapped in yellow then blue, as shown below.

I have quite a few photos of the interior of this complex, taken over two years, I may post another time. I do like the old Hanover Leather & Finishings sign and I'm glad I thought to take that photo.

On the left side are a restaurant, the Lowell Police Training Division facility, and the Registry of Motor Vehicles, with a parking garage above.
 Across the street are the group of photos below.

Each business had a posted sign.

I love the older photo of Garnick's store, not sure who took that photo. If you know who did, please let me know, so I can give credit. On the left side is where Majestic Barber Shop is.

These three businesses have been here a very long time.
Majestic Barber Shop, Garnick's Music Center and Sim's Driving School.

George is cutting my husband's hair at the Majestic Barber Shop.

There is an empty field on the right, in front of the empty windows.

Corner of Central and Middlesex Streets.