
Friday, December 31, 2021

The Card Says it All, and a Quick Message to my Genealogy and Lowell Readers


I sent this card to several of my friends and thought my genealogy and Lowell readers would like to see this as well. Best wishes go out to you all.
Going into the third year of the Pandemic has to be better than 2020 and 2021.

Regarding my posts, I did no blogging in 2020 (because of my husband's death) but started up this year with 22 genealogy posts from April to September. Then I switched gears and began with my Lowell posts, those amount to 33 from October to December.

There are two interesting things. My post statistics on my blog are done by Google and I am able to see my top 10 posts (or more) and how many hits they receive. Seven are about Lowell, the other 3 are genealogy-related, but that just changed. Previously, it was even. The fourth most popular one is a genealogy one, very short but popular. 

The Librarian's Guide to Genealogical Research -- Examples 

For Lowell, the link below had 2,600+ thanks to the donuts! posts

The post about Lowell High was extremely popular for quite a few years, and I reposted it this fall. There were a huge number of comments, maybe 90, and it appeared every person had memorable high school days, except one!

Regarding my Lowell readers, you pushed my hits to over a million in no time flat, I got over 15,000 hits for two months straight. So a huge Thank You to Lowell reads who are near and far.

I try to keep up with genealogy and I subscribe to several sites. I can't wait for April 1st and see my first 1950 census...I'll be in it, in California.

Since I'm a wordy person,  I want to thank all the Lowell administrators who post my blog to their sites, and to every genealogy peep who reads my posts. I'll try to be more active on Facebook. I didn't delete anybody, so that means I consider you a friend. Happy New Year to everybody, and please stay healthy.