
Monday, October 25, 2021

On This Day, October 25, 2020 in Lowell, Massachussetts, I Took These Photos


Swamp Locks. Water is already drained for the season. They never had boat rides this year due to all the construction.
New Lowell Justice Center.

Looking up Canal Street. Appleton Mills on right.
So much construction on tiny Canal St. for new apartments/condos.

This was taken in front of Appleton Mills. A new road to the parking garage. Apartments will be above. The picture below was taken many months later to give you an idea of what the area looks like now.

The canal was drained.

New parking garage next to the Visitors Center.

Looking up to Dutton Street and Broadway Street.

UM Lowell parking lot, Broadway Street.

This was taken on October 23, 2015.