
Tuesday, June 21, 2022

How Do You Say Goodbye to your Genealogy Research? This is What I Did.

I don't remember who I got this photo from, I've had it for over 25 years. The minute I received it, I knew I had to locate the tombstone of my 5th great-grandfather, Hendrick Schrambling. (My blog with photos.). This photo set me on the trail to research this family, it led me from New York to Michigan.

Two weeks ago, I contacted one of my favorite distant cousins related through this line. His line ended in Oklahoma, mine in Michigan. After much thought, I knew it was time to put some of my 32-year-old research to rest, so I wrote him, "
I have decided to part with these papers and more of the early family...but I can't just toss them. What I would like to do is send it to you, ha and you can do as you please. As you probably know, we have spent many hours and days on this line. The project of my going over each piece of paper will take weeks, and I look forward to it." Unfortunately, he turned me down because he has his own stuff and nobody in his family is interested in genealogy! Oh no. Since he is the only one I've communicated with in years on this line, I decided to share some of what I have and then just toss them. Nobody has contacted me about this line in over ten years, even though I have written articles about the family in my blog. Years ago, a Schrambling cousin did a list of all the spellings for this name and I'm sharing it to peak some interest.

Schraembling, Schramblin, Scramlin, Schramling, Schrembling, Schremeling, Schremle, Schrambling, Scrainlin, Scramblin, Scrambling, Scramlin, Scranlin, Scranling, Scremlin, Scrimile, Shramlin, Shramling

The best way to show what I have is to take photos.

Below are sources from various people and a few of mine. The purpose of doing this is to reach out to any Scrambling cousins who might have an interest. A brief description is below each photo.
  • My good friend Eileen Wood of Las Vegas put her information in a  newsletter for all subscribers to receive, I think I received 6-7 issues. The newsletter was quite a professional piece of work. She had charts, color photos and the names of all remembers (middle picture), I am listed as #2. She even sent me a DVD of her tree. The third pile consists of information from two sisters (one from NH and the other from FL) who took a journey to follow Hendrick's path from New York (West Camp, Oneonta, Canajoharie Creek in the Mohawk Valley, Stone Arabia) to Climax, Michigan. One sister had terminal cancer and it was her wish to make this trip Her husband did the driving. Soon after the trip, I went to Concord, NH to visit her sister, Laura, and got a copy of everything. They had a great time.

Photos of a binder with information about the Schremblings of Canajohaare and other data by Joyce Rideinger took the photos, wrote about her line, and added  additional information; the middle photos are from my visit to two Oneonta cemeteries with my husband and met a friend, Sandy Goodspeed, who located all the stones before I arrived, and one of the early books I used to find "Schraemling, Henrich (9) and his wife Maria Elisabeth with 5 children." The book is often referred to as the Simmendinger Register.
  • The first chart is in three pieces, and the second is showing a bit of detail. I received them from Peter or Lary Scramlin of Washington state over 20 years ago. The top sheet, peace together is 83"long, and 42" wide. They were very hard to handle. I hope to locate him to return them. UPDATE: I JUST LOCATED THE SON OF THE PERSON WHO MIGHT HAVE DONE THIS. We had a nice chat and knew a lot about the family especially since he lives in the county where the family lived for almost 200 years. I'm sending this report to him.
The Six-page legal-size will of Hendrick Schrambling is dated Feb. 24, 1808.  The top report on the right is a Family Map of 17 pages showing where the Scramblings lived in the United States and Canada. I prepared this in 2006. The bottom report of 16 pages is very detailed. I got this from Eileen, the writer of the newsletter. It was done by her mother.

The first row in order, consists of several pieces of correspondence to me, back when I used AOL in 2001; the middle pile has four pages with 17 different sources for Hendrick Schrambling that I did and shared; the third pile is 83 pages of the Descendants of Hendrick Schrambling. The bottom lineage report was from Wendell Scramlin of Climax, Michigan.
    Another chart was sent to me on two legal-size sheets of paper drawn by Harvey Baker of Florida (no date). The bottom row has a part of the pile of DAR applications I got when I visited the DAR in 2001. The middle is a very detailed summary report, dated 1990 and the last is also an old report (no idea who I got these two things from).

    I was given this photocopy of a group of Scrambling / Scramlin / etc. descendants who got together 20+ years ago in the New York State Library to meet and share information. Cousins Larry and Helen are on the right. The other photo is too dark to see anything. The chart above the photo indicated the lineage they have from Hendrick Scrambling.

    I'm giving credit to all those who helped me over the years. They either shared their information, went to Libraries for obits, or took cemetery photos in states I've never been to, like Michigan.

    Eileen Wood, Frances Fagan, Joyce Riedinger, Larry Scramlin, Joyce Riedinger, Helen Burkett, Sandy Goodspeed, Joyce Luscomb, David Rumery, Gary Hanna, Brenda Glover Leyndyke, Sharonii Roberts, Linda Herrell, and Ted Metscher. Four are now deceased. I've only met two, they are Brenda Leyndyke from MI and Sandy Goodspeed from NY. Nine in this group have a Scrambling in their tree.