
Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A Walk Along Dutton St., Merrimack St. and Several Side Streets in Lowell, MA

Recently a photo was posted to a Lowell Facebook site. There were many comments as to where it was taken, some shared a memory or two and then there was some doubt about it even being in Lowell. I mentioned that I would go to that area and take pictures as I was having some doubt. I took over 100 photos on my 90-minute walk and decided to share some here. When I got home, the Admin. sent me a personal message saying the photo in question was taken in Lawrence, MA, a  city about 15 miles away.

About two weeks ago, this was posted on Facebook. This is also Dutton St., about 1970. Two of my new photos are of this site. Dutton Street is very wide.

Dutton Street, this building is next to the old Giant Store.

Shattuck Street looking towards Market Street.

Merrimack Street
Palmer Street looking towards Merrimack Street.
Market St. looking towards Central Street.

A new addition to the Lowell High School.