
Monday, November 30, 2009

Looking Back

First I want to publically thank the seven people who awarded me the Kreativ Blogger Award, their first names and blog sites are below.  Please check them out.
Gini at
Sharon at
Jenna at
Bill at
Earline at
Hummer at
Dru at

The first six of the above names are new friends, I didn't know them prior to October.   The awards came via a commet to my site, or email.  I am not sure if the senders ever read my replies, so I am doing it publically here.  When each award was given, I was really shocked, and didn't know what to do.  So I did what comes naturally, I declined for several reasons.  First, I am hoping to have clean and clutter free blog, and second, I don't want to be in the position of awarding it to others, as there are so many good Blogs out there.  Each and everyone is deserving, we are all spending lots of time on them, both in the thinking, typing and editing phases of their creation.  I don't think I will ever single out a blog as being one of the best, as I already like many.

Sometimes, I feel like I am living in the editing phase.  There hasn't been a single blog that, even tho I use the Preview option, I haven't had to go back to change something.  Yesterday's blog was set in error for 12/29/09 because I was working on December blogs, and did the entire month.  But, in reality, I wanted the cemetery article shown for yesterday, Nov. 29.  I began to wonder where it was on the dashboard.  A quick check showed it was set for December 29!

This new time-consuming part of my life has forced me to be a bit more organized and plan ahead about the subject matter.  I think that yesterday's blog is a good example.  I decided when I posted my cemetery list, (see November 18, 2009, Cemetery List in Google Spreadsheet) that I would scan and enter all those photos into in the order of that cemetery list. I was going to post some Bishop photos for Tuesday, then in going through my stuff, found the plot information, cemetery map and my old photo from 1981.  That did it, I had my article, and decided it was good for a Sunday read.

Thank you too to the people who have helped me:  Gini and Dru for recent help and Cheryl for her early encouragement.  Apple sent me a detailed explanation of how to make my links smaller (I am still having problems, but maybe it due to our different programs).  I appreciate you all.

And a special thank you to Les, who quickly emailed me after my yesterday blog of Nov. 29th appeared.  He said he would go three miles to the cemetery to take pictures for me.  Within hours, I had new pictures of the monument with the names of my grandparents, great grandparents, gg grandparents and ggg grandparents!

I hope to make this Looking Back segment a monthy piece, and will cover just a few things, mostly follow-ups during the current month.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I Did Everything Right, but Couldn't Take a Photo!

Prior to April 1999, I obtained the plot card and diagram of the cemetery where my grandparents and others in my family were buried. In addition, I located the microfilm page of the Hale Collection for the listing of all those buried in this West Cemetery, Plainville, Connecticut. Since I had been there before, in 1981, I had the memory of what the Bishop monument looked like; it was the tallest in the cemetery.  But, when I returned in 1999, I learned a valuable lesson. You are only as good and prepared as your camera allows you to be.  My 35mm took great pictures, but not so if you couldn't read the inscription, and Not when you completely forget to take close ups of the opposite side, where there were additional names, and not writing down what is inscribed!
Plot card above, there is an error, as my grandmother, Sarah, is not listed.
Diagram of the Cemetery, with plots I was interested in seeing shown in circles.
Page from the Hale Collection, copied from microfilm.
August 1981, my grandfather was buried here, and this is the family monument.  At least I could read the names.  I took this photo, so maybe I had an interest in the family back then.
My horrible shot.  And, why didn't I move my car?
The opposite side clearly reads Lowrey, also my direct line.  Fortunately, their names are listed in the Hale Collection, see 3rd photo above, so I know who is buried there.  But a close-up would have been nice.

Follow-up.  Within hours of posting this, I received an email.  My NBF wrote, "Barbara, I will try to get some good pictures of the Bishop monument for you. I live about 3 mi from it.  I enjoy your blog."  Talk about a happy dance.  And true to his word.  When I got home from a walk, there were the pictures waiting for me!  Thank you Les Larrabee.

Friday, November 27, 2009

A County-by-County look at Ancestry

This map has been shared many times since July 1, 2004, and it is in pretty rough shape.  However, I thought it might be interesting to some of the readers.  You could almost trace your ancestry.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Alameda, California -- Same House, Different Years

My mother and Steve Danko both took pictures of the same house. It is in Alameda, California and I lived here for 10 years, before moving to Connecticut, and then Massachusetts. In 2006, Steve mentioned he was going to Alameda, and he told me he would swing by and take an updated picture.  Since the house was for sale, he gave me the Real Estate link and I was able to take a visual tour of the rooms, and I was thrilled to see it. The San Francisco Bay was a short walk down the street.
Photo taken by my mother.
Copyright 2006 by Stephen J. Danko. Used with permission.

Another picture from Google. "2 beds, 1 bath, 1160 sq. ft. house located at 1230 Pearl StAlameda, CA 94501 sold for $632,000 on Apr 4, 2007".

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tombstone Tuesday -- BALLARD

Josiah Ballard and his wife Sarah Carter Ballard, My 6th great grandparents.
Middle Cemetery, Lancaster, Worcester Co., Massachusetts

Josiah Ballard
Born: August 14, 1721, Andover, Essex Co., Massachusetts
Died: August 06, 1799, Lancaster, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Josiah was a Revolutionary War Patriot

Sarah Carter Ballard
Born: November 10, 1725, Lancaster, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Died: March 31, 1799, Lancaster, Worcester Co., Massachusetts

Normally, I don't do cemetery hunting in November in Massachusetts, it must have been a very warm day. The FindAGrave site for Josiah is:

Also at the cemetery is their son, Jeremiah Ballard, which I didn't know about until 11/22/09.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday Madness -- My madness about The Westford Knight

Update: I finally saw The Westford Knight last year, and my photos are below.

Now why haven't I seen The Westford Knight?  Dick Eastman posted an article about it yesterday (Nov. 2009) in his Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, full article for Plus subscribers, see:  There have been many newspaper articles and blog postings about it.

On April 11, 2014, Dick Eastman wrote another piece about the Westford Knight. See:

Per The Westford Museum, "According to one account the first Europeans to reach Westford were part of an expedition led by Prince Henry Sinclair, of Scotland. This voyage would have reached the New World in about 1400 A.D. The "Westford Knight" would then be a grave marker for one of the expedition who died near-by. The carvings can be seen as a picture of the Knight, complete with sword."

Photo from Wikipedia.
My husband has seen the stone, but I haven't.  Here is the thing, it is so close to where I live, maybe 4-5 miles away.  I wonder if it has to do with the fact, that I am not related?  I am getting mad right now, and if I didn't have to leave in a few hours, I would drive over right now.  But maybe he is my ancestor, and I've ignored him all these years!

When I do go, I am taking my map with me...hope I don't get lost.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

DAR - Becoming a Member and a 100 year celebration - Part 3

A very busy day at the DAR Library
(see below for the reason)

This is part 3 of my article, this week, about working at the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) in Washington, DC.

A few of the staff genealogists asked if I was interested in genealogy. What? I had no idea what they were talking about. I had a little interest, and all I knew about my heritage was that I was 1/4 Dutch, and my grandmother was from Canada, so I thought, also part Canadian. My father was born in Illinois, his line was from somewhere and they just plopped in Evanston. I knew nothing else. Thank goodness, being a DAR member was not a requirement for being an employee. Although most employees were women, there were a few men working as well. There was a staff of about 25 in the Genealogy department, but not all were genealogists, nevertheless, you can see, it was a huge department. The Library was a large department as well. The 360-degree view of the Library is wonderful, and I'm posting the site again.

If you ever get to Washington, DC, I strongly recommend the building as a building to visit. For you genealogists (men or women), by all means, please go. The cost is something like $6 for the day, no cost for DAR members. For the children and wife, they can take a tour of the period rooms and see the Museum. All information is on their home page. One of the nicest things about the Library is that their books are listed in the card catalog, so you can see ahead of time their holdings. A great way to prepare your research there.  In addition, there is a microfilm center, a place where I almost went blind and wore my arm out. Even to this day, I can't do more than three hours of microfilm at a time or I get dizzy.

The genealogy bug hit me about two weeks later, when I received a wonderful package from my mother, then living in Massachusetts. Among the items I received was a copy of her DAR application, birth records for her and me, information about her chapter in Connecticut, and other documents and papers. I had no idea about this part of her past! Within minutes, I rushed to a few people and told them what I found out. One employee, in particular, a now CG, took me under her wing. She explained that the DAR was trying to get as many new members on board because the following year was their huge 100-year celebration, the Centennial. From that moment forward, that is just about all I heard about until it happened. Of course, there was a lot of learning on how to do my research.  I did a huge amount of work, but I was really lucky because many on the staff helped me, but no matter what, I never paid attention to the whole thing about citations and working on the whole family, I did just my line, can you imagine? And even today, I am making corrections and trying to find sources to put where they should be. I might not have been really lucky, because I found so many lines really quickly, thus moved from family to family in a heartbeat, and could never keep them straight.

On my first day of research, I clearly remember. My genealogy friend knew my great grandparents were from New Haven, and immediately brought me up to the 3rd floor, where she pulled out a 1920 city directory...there he was listed. I was shocked. Then the same week, I found a great book on Durham, Connecticut, which had the births and marriages in chronological order of my mother's DAR patriot, I learned how to trace my line, staying up to 2 AM, and yes, I did sneak the book out, but the Librarian knew it. The next thing, within that first week, was, my friend went to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in DC and got a copy of the 1920 Federal Census of my grandparents, listing my father as being one year old. I had no idea what a census looked like, and was pretty impressed.

In the following months, I took all my breaks, lunchtime, and many bathroom trips via the Library to research also went to the Library on the weekend. I think some of the Library staff must have wondered about seeing me all the time. And my bosses, well they must have known and wondered why I was doing so much xeroxing. At this time, I was working on the same line as my mother, but I discovered another Revolutionary War patriot and decided to use him, and his name was added into the book, DAR Patriot Index, a three-volume set of books, which lists the patriots that the DAR members have used. Because of my connections, all my paperwork went through the channels rather quickly. I decided to join the same chapter my mother belonged to in Connecticut. Those members were thrilled to have a new member and when some of them visited the DAR, I got to meet them. However, when I moved, I dropped my membership. If I remember correctly, the chapter was disbanding, as did the one where I now live. Unfortunately, that has happened to many chapters.

The 100th Anniversary Celebration was in October 1990, there were so many planned events. Some for all employees (like receptions) and some just for members. As I fit both categories, I attended a lot of things, and still managed to do my job. There was a lovely reception at the Capital Hilton Hotel, I believe on Sunday afternoon to kick off the week of festivities. The birthday dinner also at the Capital Hilton Hotel was a night I won't ever forget. Everybody was dressed to the nines, and very happy. Indeed, a nice experience. The photo below is of the President General cutting a cake in the Library. And as shown in the photo above, not a seat to be had that same day.  Everybody wanted cake and to do research.

President General cutting the cake in the Library.

Friday, November 20, 2009

DAR Records, Old and New

Example of an old Genealogy Record card before the new online system was made available to the public this week.

The big news that the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) recently released about the Online Research of the DAR Genealogical Research System sure is exciting, to men and women.  Randy Seaver posted an explanation recently,  His article is quite good, so there is no need for me to repeat it.

What I can do, for those who like a little background, is explain how the system used to work.  Above is a copy of an original card.  A new National Number was typed with the name of the child (Jesse Wright) of whom the new DAR member descended from, going to the patriot, in this case Asher Wright.  More than one child's name could be on a card.  If there were five children, you are lucky, because of the additional information you could get. Recently, I posted two examples of my very early ancestors who were DAR members, the first name listed in both the old and new systems.  Sophia Davis Bishop's with National No. 36,686.  See:  The old method was rather archaic, and errors were bound to happen, probably more frequently than the new data entry system.  In addition, the cards could be filed away in the wrong place, or walked away.  The room where the cards were stored, was off limits, but since I worked there, I managed to get copies of a good 10 or so of my ancestors.  Now you can see why I am so excited.  This is a great site to see if you have a Revolutionary War patriot.

A copy of the same information, from the new online site for Asher Wright is below.

Image of the new

Note:  As yet, I don't know how to make the links smaller.  But at least they work.

We Have the Same Name. She is a Cousin!

Photo by Diane M. Boumenot

We grew up with the same name, wrote to the Newberry Library in Chicago the same week, and found out we were related. Let me explain.

On November 23, 1998, I sent an email to the Newberry Library, stating I just found out (after nine years of doing genealogy) that my 2nd great grandfather was the first Librarian of the Newberry, and could I have the address or email of a researcher who could help me.

A reply soon followed, stating they had researchers as well as a lot of information that they could send me. That short email also had this line, "I recently made copies of some material on him for another person" Of course I wrote back and said, "... can you tell me for what purpose, or is it confidential. I am wondering if it is a long-lost relative, or is he/she writing a paper?"

A few emails later, I got the name of the other Barbara Poole who was also researching him. We then corresponded and determined we were second cousins, once removed, but both of us were still a bit leery of the other. She lived in Texas and I in Massachusetts. However, once I found out her aunt’s name I remembered many years ago, having dinner at her aunt's house. Once given the aunt's phone number, I called her in Duxbury, MA and she remembered my family and the Thanksgiving dinner.

Once the other Barbara found out about the dinner and other things, I felt she really believed me. It took us both a while to accept our new relationship.

Barbara, a teacher, and I wrote many times, but only when her classroom was open, as she didn't have a computer at home. When summer vacation came, we were out of luck and out of touch. I have tried contacting her in the past, but no reply ever came my way, and the elderly aunt passed away. Several months after my initial query to the Library, I wrote an appreciation letter to the Reference Librarian who had the initiative to let me know about the other Barbara Poole. She had wanted to write an article about the two Barbara's connecting, for a little piece in the Library's newsletter, but I never heard if she did.

I call this story, "We have the Same Name" and I've told it several times because it is rather unbelievable. It pays to follow leads and pray for somebody who is willing to go above and beyond their job duty. Now, where can I find that other Barbara Poole?

UPDATE: September 28, 2018
As I review some of my old posts, I've made additions, corrected typos, and changed photo and font sizes.

Since I am trying to find my cousin, I've decided to use her name, with hopes she will be found. It is, Barbara Poole Whatley, her husband is Thomas, and they have a son, Bryan. I believe they might still be living in Texas.

The name of the Reference Library at the Newberry Library is Rhonda Frevert. Not long after she and I corresponded, I got a notice that she was appointed Curator of the Local and Family History Dept. at the library; however, almost 20 years later, she is the director of a library in Iowa.

 Please see my post, with many photos taken by my friend, Diane M. Boumenot during her visit to the Newberry Library.;postID=1220187835891929620;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=2;src=link

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The DAR job -- Part 2

Upper Level of Library  (Photo by Barbara)
Take a virtual tour

One of the first things a new employee would get, after filling out paperwork for the Human Resources office, was a tour of the building. For me, being in in that department, it meant I had to meet just about everybody. First visiting the basement with offices, including a printing department, the first and second floors, and a third, with a few offices, some of which you got to by going along the top level of the library. In addition to the people I met, learning how to get from one area to the next, and seeing private rooms, such as the banquet room, I saw all the period rooms and the Museum (many were open to the public and tours given by docents). Then there is the library (see picture and link below), while absolutely lovely to look at, I wasn't yet into genealogy. The entire time I worked there, only one other employee (not in the genealogy department) got addicted to genealogy like me. Bonnie began a few months after me, and since I reviewed her application, and was determined to get somebody in the organization the same age as me, I did. We are 10 days apart in age.

The Executive board came to the DAR about three or more times a year, and I got to know them all, some more than others. They usually came into the office when there was a problem with an employee. They all had their strong personalities, but I liked all these dedicated volunteers. Even to this year, I still receive a Christmas card from one of them, now living in Maine.

I was very lucky with my job because there was a lot of flexibility in my duties. Other than meeting certain deadlines such as greeting new employees, testing them (esp. the clerical), making sure all the payroll information was correct, and typing up discharge or warning papers, I could fly downstairs in a second to check out something in the Library. There have been a few people stating how nice the job sounded, well it was and could be yours too, as I saw the job posted at their site the other day. I hope you get it.

Title: Human Resources Assistant

I love the "highly organized and detail-oriented" part.

And, for those of you who want to work as a genealogist, there is a new posting for that position as well at the above site.

Current DAR members might be interested in learning that I worked one entire summer for the First Vice President General (VPG), via phone and fax (she lived in the south) working on the DAR Handbook, something that was revised for every administration. I was the only one in my office with a computer, there were very few computers in the building at that time. Anyway, I was moved into a private room to work on the handbook. Not too smart do you think? Talk about doing research. But there was a lot of downtime, the VPG (while on the phone) would say something like she "needed some ice tea" and I would then say, "I'm going to the ladies room" always by way of the library, so we set the phones down and did our own thing. When she became the President, she had me type her acceptance speech the morning she gave it at the Convention. I was put in a separate room, so as not to be disturbed, talk about pressure.

While I was there, the Library purchased new chairs, and that meant a lot of old ones to get rid of, I do not know how old, but heavier than heck. Ask and I shall receive, now an original DAR chair is at my desk.

Christmas is next month, and while at the DAR, it was indeed a very nice place to work, esp. in December. Out one door, you would see the National Christmas tree, near the White House, the one that the president lights. In the late afternoon of the event, you could hear the guest singers practicing. Out the opposite side door, you would see the tall Washington Monument. Can't beat that.
My desk.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Boston Athenaeum and my connection

You must wonder why I am writing about this. Well, from 1856 to 1869 my gg-grandfather was the Librarian of the Boston Athenaeum. Thought I would share the Boston Globe article dated November 15, 2009.

I wrote them almost 11 years ago, and their reply is below.  I wonder if I will ever get there.

Follow-up: I did visit, a few months later. Please see my post.

Cemetery List in Google Spreadsheet

When I began my quest to find certain cemetery stones, it was almost like a rain shower, each cemetery had so many of my direct ancestors, plus siblings and other children. Back then I didn't have a digital camera, as a result, I only took photos of my direct ancestors.  The process was to buy the film, take it to be developed and return later to pick them up. Then had enlargements of my favorite shots made as 8 x 10s. My husband and I went all over Massachusetts, Connecticut, a few places in New York and Quebec.

I had to get organized before I forgot every cemetery name and who was buried where. I still don't have anything written on the backs (sure is hard to admit that), but it was a blessing that I decided, from the beginning, to do the chart below. Since I had Microsoft Access, that is what I used, and decided to add a few additional bits of information, not usually found on a chart like this, or at least I don't think so.

But, I had problems last week with this chart, because it was on my XP, which I rarely use, and I wanted the chart on my Vista, which doesn't have Access or Excel. There was absolutely no way I was going to retype these 129 names, plus an additional 15 or so. What to do? Then I thought of Google documents spreadsheet, and tried it. First opened a new spreadsheet on the XP, then went to the Access chart with my cemetery list, selected the table and pasted it to the new spreadsheet. So quick and simple.  Went immediately to the Vista computer and opened Google docs and there was the whole thing, just waiting for me!  Almost like it flew from one machine to the other, no disks needed, no wireless needed and no cost.

What you see below is the alphabetical list, but I can at any time change it to list all cemetery names together, locations or relationships to me, or anything else.

Now with all these photos in a huge messy pile, I need to organize them as well. I have no desire to keep them, so my project very soon is to scan them and enter them on FindAGrave, which I have done with a few already. And, I will probably put everyone on this blog for Tuesday Tombstone. I hope somebody will find a name or two that is familiar, and if you do, please let me know. This was printed on November 18, 2009 and there are about 50 cemeteries listed. Since that date, I probably visited 15 new ones.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tombstone Tuesday - Elisabeth Alden

Old Commons Cemetery, Little Compton, Rhode Island

The cemetery monument is for Elisabeth Alden, daughter of John Alden and Priscilla Mullins.  Her parents sailed on the "Mayflower" from Plymouth, England to Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Elisabeth Alden Pabodie was my 9th great grandmother

Born abt. 1624 at Plymouth, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts
Died: May 31, 1717, at Little Compton, Newport Co., Rhode Island

Monday, November 16, 2009

New Job at the DAR - Part 1

Daughters of the American Revolution Headquarters (DAR)
Washington, DC

I needed help with my memory when I realized that I began my new job at the DAR or NSDAR (National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution) in Washington, DC 20+ (1989) years ago. Fortunately, I had saved a lot of papers pertaining to my job and they helped refresh my memory of the days I worked there. My reason for writing this, (I know, not everybody writes about their jobs) is because, through Facebook, I have noticed there are a fair number of DAR members and some who are working on their applications, and I thought they might be interested in this article. In addition, I think this will be in two parts, depending on the interest. However, I do know I will cover the DAR Library, which is open to all, genealogists love that place.

My offer letter came in the mail, and it was dated November 14, 1989, and yes, I still have it. But leading up to the letter was something else. Imagine being a 40-something woman applying for a job, thinking already, I am too old, and having to be interviewed by two women bosses. They job-share, and of course, didn't work the same days. The first interview went very well, but a wave of nerves hit, and I called the office to say that I couldn't make the other appointment, as I had a dental appointment (which I did not). They were so accommodating and persistent, that they changed the date to about five days later. By then, I was ok. After the second interview, their evaluations of me went to the Vice President General for her review and approval...she is number two in the DAR. The reason being, I would work closely with her. Prior to all that, I had gone in to be "tested" as in a spelling test, typing test, and given the once over, I am sure. The words were basically easy, but thank goodness I knew how to spell Revolution and descendants! I will always remember that. The actual starting day was probably the next Monday, and when I began, I felt right at home.

For five years I worked in Human Resources, on the second floor, the office was in front of the elevator, the door usually closed. During those years, there wasn't a single day I didn't want to go to work, and the added bonus was being able to work on my genealogy (on breaks and lunch, of course). But besides the genealogy, there were a lot of wonderful events held at the Constitution Hall, which is part of the DAR complex.  This convention hall had seats for almost 4,000 people, and I remember seeing Hall and Oats, Diana Ross, she danced in the row in front of where I was sitting, and many others. One benefit of being an employee, we could see these concerts for free (sign-up system), and had the best seats, row L with the largest aisle in front of our seats. During the first Iraq War, when nobody was traveling, I was very dismayed that Yanni canceled his concert there. Of course one of the highlights every year was the DAR's convention, called Continental Congress. When I was there, it was always held during the anniversary week the American Revolution War began, which is on April 19th. There were a thousand or more beautifully dressed women from all over the states and possibly the world in the building. My first year of experiencing this event was almost overwhelming, not just because of all the women, but the job as well. I had to screen and select people to be guards, and assist with added personnel for the convention.

DAR Constitution Hall mentioned above

There were often well-known people in the building, either working or visiting or filming a movie. Phyllis Schlafly was the National Chairman of the National Defense Department, her room was around the corner. Eddie Murphy was making the movie, "The Distinguished Gentleman" and I saw him a few times, and once about three feet away. And President Clinton came once or twice. The first time, he walked over from the White House, so a bunch of us ran out to see him. When some of us got word that he was leaving our building, we ran back out to the street, rather funny looking back now, when the director of the Library and I stood side by side waving at him.  The White House was about three blocks away.  I think during my years there, I saw him a good 20 times.

One aspect of the job that I really enjoyed, was taking many photos for the DAR that were used in their monthly magazine, and I had eight covers. The magazine office was near my office and I got to know the editor quite well, so when she asked if I could take pictures, I jumped at that chance. I may scan them if anybody is interested.

This is it for the first part, already it is getting too long.  But, if you want to read about the DAR, here you go:  OR DAR Photos.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Surname Saturday - Four Generations of Surnames

The chart below is an introduction to some of my ancestors.  In addition, a little bit of information about my family is given.
My roots are in California, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Quebec, Canada.  If anybody has any of these names, please write to my email address.

My grandmother from Canada was in the United States attending Nursing school, although I don't know where, but she met my grandfather at that time, then married. My parents met in New York state, where they attended college. They graduated and married. Dad immediately went into the Navy as an officer during World War II, and was sent to the Philippines. I was born, my grandmother being the nurse at my delivery, and in the hospital that was designed by my grandfather (at least an addition or two). I was nine months old before my father ever saw me. Mom took pictures of me, almost daily to send to him.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Princess Diana, a sad follow-up

The postcard of Diana's dresses was used to announce the exhibit of some of her beautiful dresses. The exhibit was held at the American Textile History Museum in my home city. As a docent there, I saw it many times during the time it was there, from November 1, 1998 - January 17, 1999. Everybody was moved by just about everything...the fact that we were able to see the dresses and gowns, but to see large posters of her at the time she wore them. Seeing these things brought much sadness because she was no longer with us. All the gowns were encased in Plexiglas squares, so we could see all sides of the dress. This was an extremely popular exhibit.  Of course, this was maybe more moving to me, since I had personally seen her. The post was written a month after I began my blog in October 2009. See HERE

A few years later, the Museum exhibited dresses worn by many Hollywood stars in their movies. I have that flyer too. There I did touch Judy Garland's blue dress, worn in The Wizard of Oz. Other dresses were worn by Elizabeth Taylor, Bette Davis (born in Lowell, Massachusetts) and many actors and actresses.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Prince Charles and Princess Diana on Veterans Day, See My Photos!

November 11, 1985 was a pretty exciting day. The three hour wait to get a glimpse of Prince Charles and Princess Diana was worth the effort. I claimed my spot just about 7 AM on a rather nice sunny day in Springfield, Virginia, outside of Washington, DC. The sharpshooters and press were already in place at the mall parking lot, where the couple would soon be. They were going to open an exhibit of British merchandise (I think clothes) at J. C. Penney's. Once the motorcade arrived, everybody was so excited, esp. me, since I was at the barricade, and had a great view as they drove past me. The photos are the proof. Once they were inside, we all patiently waited to see what would happen when they left. Well, they did both walk over to the crowds, and a lucky few got to shake their hands. There was a policeman in front of me much of the time, so I couldn't take pictures of him. Pretty exciting day for a Veterans Day.

The Princess is in the white suit, standing at the barricade directly in the middle.

Another time, maybe in 1993, I was two blocks from where I worked, and had heard that Prince Charles was going to visit the Octagon House in Washington, DC. So at lunch, I went over with a few co-workers and waited a good hour before he showed up. He gave a quick wave to us, and went inside. No press, and very little security. But it got better...I left work at 4:00 and walked by the House, thinking that just maybe I'd see him again, and I did, with no wait at all. He must have been right on my schedule, because as I walked by, he came out of the House. There were only a handful of people, and he waved and said, "hi." I'll always remember his lovely lavender shirt.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tombstone Tuesday -- Ten Eyck in Dunham, Quebec, Canada

The gravestone is in the back of the All Saints Church, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., Quebec, Canada.  Charles and Lydia were my grandmother's parents.  The family lived in this area for over 200 years, true Loyalists, from New York.
Charles TenEyck, Born August 01, 1859, Died August 26, 1907
Lydia J. Pell, Born November 25, 1867, Died October 16, 1948

All Saints Church, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., Quebec, Canada

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

DAR application -- 1901 and letter from husband to Pension Office

Below are the DAR application papers for my gg grandmother, Sophia Davis Bishop, dated Oct. 2, 1901. After working with the two sets of application papers yesterday, I realized I had received these copies from the DAR, and just recently looked at them again. However, Sophia's membership certificate was held in our family until 20 years ago, when I donated the very large certificate to the DAR in 1994.

Sophia was born January 11, 1831 and died May 03, 1928.