
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Looking Back

Valentine's Day came and went, as did the figure skating at the Olympics, and soon life will be back to normal.  Genealogy research, blogging, and trying hard to have a more rounded life are in store. A few things I wanted to share are below.  And I will begin with a quick tour of the Missisquoi Museum and Historical Society in Stanbridge East, Quebec, Canada. I have mentioned this Historical Society in my My Favorite Historical Society is on a Stamp blog.  P.S. It is also on a post card, which I will show another time.

It was a big step for me to add something to the side on my blog.  When I asked Lindalee of Flipside if I could copy her image of the Dove of Peace, she said yes.  (Picture is at the left.)  But it was a week or more before I gathered the nerve to make a change to my home page.

While looking at blogs at a leisurely pace, I was quite surprised to see a post of mine in the Friday, December 18, 2009 issue of Shades of the Departed.  A very belated "Thank you" goes to Footnote Maven and the individual who submitted my article. My article was The Best Christmas Gift -- DAR and genealogy related, of course. Thank you again.  It always pays to read everything, even if you don't submit anything.

The day I posted my Tuesday Tombstone posting for two generations of Van Woerts buried in Oneonta, New York, I received a nice comment and email from a Van Woert cousin. Always very nice to make a connection like that.

Last month, I mentioned I was going to work on my photos, which meant scanning and copying to Find-A-Grave.  I started off with a bang, and then the Olympics came on. However, I managed to do over 100 scans and will try to finish up in March.

Once again, Randy Seaver and I are cousins, this time through our Gates line.  Update, found out yesterday, that we also shared the Sawtell line. And, Kathleen Brandt of a3genealogy was kind to do a Follow Friday, highlighting my above Gates article. Thank you Kathleen.

In closing, I have decided not to continue with my Looking Forward blog, mainly because I haven't given March any thought!