
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Looking Back

First, I would like to thank several people who chose me to either receive an Award or Follow Me during the month of August. Please take a peek at their blogs, as they are all good writers and have a lot to share.

Susan Peterson of Long Lost Relatives ( surprised me with the Genea-Angel Award. Please read about it at the above site, as well as her many in-depth articles. Susan is a blogger for all to follow, and was just chosen by Tom MacEntee of Destination: Austin Family, just this past Friday, to be his selection for Follow Friday.  Thank you Susan.  In addition, she and I learned that we shared the same birthday date last week, so the Award made the day extra special.

Three people chose my blog for their Follow Friday, weekly selection.  Dr. Bill Smith  of  Dr. Bill Tells Ancestor Stories chose my piece about My New Way of Doing Research.

Frances aka Hummer of Branching Out Through The Years named her Follow Friday, Follow Friday Inspirations, and listed three people, because we all share our love of plants, flowers and wildlife.  I am happy to share it with Carol at Reflections from the Fence and her Reflection's Flora and Fauna and Linda at Flipside.

I met Jan, at the New England Historic and Genealogical Library (NEHGS), and we struck up a nice conversation. She had just attended the 35th annual Strong Family Reunion in Sturbridge, Massachusetts.  Nothing unusual about that except for the fact, this line is one of the most well-known in Connecticut and Massachusetts.  I had just posted his cemetery memorial the day before, and I know fellow genea-bloggers, T.K. and Becky are also related to Elder John Strong.

So, imagine my surprise when my new cousin Jan told me that only about 40 people attended! Are reunions going out of style?  It was held in my own state, and I hadn't heard about it, but then I am not a member of the Strong Family Association either.  But, I wouldn't have wanted to travel across the country to attend it with just 40 people there, but kudos to Jan who went alone from California.

Three unusual surprises this month happened. The first was, I received a call from my second cousin from Canada.  We never met, but I was aware of her.  Her grandmother and mine were sisters. I really think this good karma came to me because of the posting I did of my grandmother and me in the kitchen about a month ago.  The best thing is, she is now into genealogy, so we exchanged information, some photos, another phone conversation and I gave her a list a mile long of things for her to do, since she lives near where my ancestors lived for four generations in Missisquoi County, Quebec.

My distant cousin, Joyce, called from Michigan to tell me about a family reunion being held on August 27th. Joyce then sent me the invitation.  After the reunion, I received through Google Alerts, a large article about the Historic Family Farm being in the family for 100 years!  This is the same family having the reunion.  The current owner is my 6th cousin.

The third just happened this week, when Linda wrote me for information via  Turns out, she lives in my city! We've shared a bit of information, but there will be much more, when I get more time.

Tombstone Tuesday - SIMON BRADSTREET of Salem, Massachusetts

Simon Bradstreet
Born:  March 18, 1603/04, of Horbling, Lincolnshire, England
Died:  March 27, 1697, Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts
See Find-A-Grave site.

He was my 8th great-grandfather.
Burying Point Cemetery, Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts

Simon's wife, Anne Dudley was buried in Andover, Essex Co., Massachusetts.
See Find-A-Grave site.

From Sidney Perley's book, The History of Salem 1671-1716, Vol. III,  (Salem, Mass., S. Perley, 1924-28).  Pgs. 345-346.  "Upon the raised masonry of the tomb, was placed a slab, bearing the inscription which covered its surface.  Twenty-five years ago, the slab had become so worn by the elements, that only portion of the inscription were decipherable.  Originally, it read as follows, 'SIMON BRADSTREET, armiger, ex ordine senatoris, in colonial Massachusettensi ab anno 1630, usque ad annum 1673.  Deinde ad annum 1679, vice-gubernator.  Denique ad annum 1686, ejusdem coloniae, communi et constanti populi suffragio, GUBERNATOR.  Vir, jucdiio lynceario praeditus, quem nec numma nec honos allexit.  Regis authortatem, et populi liberatem, aequa lance bibavit.  Religione cordatus, vita innocuus, mundum et vicit, et deseruit, 27 die Martii A.D. 1697, annoque Guliel 31 IX et AEt 94.'"