
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ten Eyck Farm, Dunham, Quebec, Canada

In September 1999 my husband and I went on a research trip to Dunham, Missisquoi Co., Quebec, Canada for four days. Traveling to this area of Canada took less than seven hours, so it wasn't a very long trip from Massachusetts. I was extremely well prepared because I knew exactly where I wanted to go, had the addresses of those I wanted to meet,  and had mapped out the cemeteries.  It all came together.

The first stop was at the Missisquoi Historical Society in East Stanbridge, a goldmine of resources. I had communicated with the archivist and knew the hours of operation and their holdings. Later, I met with a cousin, who came quite a distance to meet me at my B and B. The owners were very accommodating to us...I'm thinking, although they spoke French and I only English.

Another thing my husband and I did was drive all over the county and that of Brome County looking at gravestones. Another cousin had just visited the area several months earlier and found a number of our shared ancestors, so I was extremely fortunate. She had given me a marked map and copies of her photos. In all, I located 22 direct ancestor graves! I was very lucky.

The last wonderful aspect of the trip was, I went to the old Ten Eyck homestead.  I have no idea how old the house is, but the land has been in the family for well over 200 years.  My grandmother grew up in the house, and when I was young, we went there for a long visit, as my grandmother's brother's family now lived there. The brother was deceased, but his wife was kind enough to invite us in for a long chat about the family. One thing led to another, and I found out that the wife was born in the city where I now live! You just never know what you are going to find out when you talk to somebody.

This trip still brings back sentimental thoughts. It was a perfect trip, perfect weather, and perfect memories.

The photos below are three photos taken that day at the house. And one below was scanned from the book, Dunham 1867 - 1992 (Anniversary Book),  (Pub. Editions Louis Bilodeau and Fils Ltee, Sherbrook, Quebec 1992). 
Ten Eyck Farm, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., Quebec, Canada

Ten Eyck Farm from Google Earth.
(The house is at the top of the circle, above the word Chemin.

I love this photo taken by Dianne Jones. I met her during our 1999 trip we have several connections. She even knew my aunt and uncle who lived in Vermont.

I'm certain it gets very cold in the winter.
I asked the photographer, Kathy Harris-Miltimore if it was taken in Dunham and if I could use her photo. It was taken on Beattie Street, not really my ancestor's house. She also gave me permission. This shows you how beautiful the area is.