
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bites of News -- Social, Social

As I was about to toss my issue of Smart Computing, (February 2011) issue out, the new issue of Internet Genealogy arrived (April/May 2011). As a long time subscriber, actually a charter subscriber to Smart Computing, I've mentioned the magazine before. I thought some readers might be interested in seeing what the topic of the day is.

It is no surprise that Internet Genealogy has articles about social media, every issue seems to cover something along that line. However, Smart Computing is a different matter. Their article, Get Connected, How Social Networking Can Benefit Your Business runs from pages 56 to 71, no small article for sure. Chapters includes the following:

  •  Put Your Business On Facebook
  • Get Linkedin
  • Put Social Networking To Work
  • Beyond the Big Names