
Friday, March 18, 2011

Just Saying Sayings

As with my other lists, this list was created because these sayings often guide me. I feel most can be applied to my life when I get stressed, especially  when related to genealogy.

  • "We should do what we're supposed to."  Mark Knopfler

  • "Great breakthroughs come from people doing it for the first time."  Bill Warner

  • "It is only when we make mistakes that we can begin to notice what needs attention."  Benjamin Zander

  • "Don't Let the Minutes spoil the Hour."  Ted Jones

  • "Learning is a treasure no thief can touch."  Indian proverb

  • "If you learn to worry or fret less, you may add time to your life."  Daniel Mroczek

  • "Be in Love with your life."  Jack Kerouac

  • "If you're riding ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it's still there." -- Will Rogers

  •  "The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." -- Albert Einstein