
Monday, February 6, 2012

Amanuensis Monday -- Will of Hendrick Schremling

Transcribing a six-page legal sized will is a challenge. The one below was obtained over 10 years ago, and I'm just now reading and transcribing it. My scanner wouldn't take this 8 1/2 x 14" document, so I went to FedEx to have them scan it for me. Because of it's length, I'm doing one page per week. Hendrick Schremling  / Scramling / Scrambling was a Revolutionary War patriot, buried in Oneonta, New York and has hundreds of descendants. Several distant cousins have received copies of the will from me, so I'm hoping others will benefit from this being online as well. I can't tell you how many times I used my hint as described HERE.
LIBER C Pgs. 18-23
Otsego County Clerk
(No idea where I got it from, and who used the yellow marker.)

Page 18
The Record of Hendrick Schremlings Will

In the name of god Amen  I Hendrick Schremling of the town of Otego in the County of Otsego and State of New York Considering the Uncertainty of this mortal Life and being of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be almighty God for the same do make and publish this my last Will and testament in manner and form following (that is to say)

First I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Eva Schremling all my Real and personal Estate from the day of my decease forward during the time of her Natural life provided she shall remain my Widow but incase of her remarriage the above devise Shall immediately cease determine and from the time of her remarriage be considered as null and void.

I also give and bequeath to my oldest daughter Lena Cornue wife of Luke Cornue the sum of Fifty dollars to be paid to her or her heirs ors assigns at the expiration of one year after my decease by my two sons George Schrembling and Hendrick Schrembling Junior their heirs executors or administrators

I do also give and bequeath to my Daughter Catharine wife of Jacob S. Vrooman the sum of Fifty dollars to be paid to her or her heirs or assigns at the expiration of one year after my decease by my – son Peter Schramling his heirs executors or administrators.

I do also give and bequeath to my Youngest daughter Margret Schremling the sum of fifty Dollars to be paid to her, her heirs or assigns at the expiration of one year after my
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Decease to be paid to her by my three Sons (viz) George Schremling, Hendrick Schremling Junior, and Abraham Schremling and I do by these presents Nominate and appoint their Mother my beloved wife Eva Schramling Guardian for my said youngest Daughter Margaret Schremling and do hereby Order and direct that this Money shall be by her let out upon Interest for the use and benefit of my said youngest daughter Margaret Schremling until my said daughter shall be of age or married but if it should so happen that if my said daughter Margaret Schremling dies before she marries and without heirs of her Body lawfully be gotten that then this money together with the Interest thereof to abide and remain in the hands of my beloved wife Eva Schremling to her sole and only for her use forever

I further give devise and bequeath to my two Sons Peter Schremling and Abraham Schremling their heirs and assigns forever All that farm on Lot of Land Containing one hundred acres of land on intervale Land /be the Same more or less) where on my son Peter Schremling now lives in the town of Otego in the County Otsego and State of New York to be equally divided between my Said two Sons Peter Schremling and Abraham Schremling and their heirs forever immediately after my son Abraham Schremling shall have arrived at the age of twenty one years to be divided equally between them and their heirs and assigns as well in quality as quantity together with all the improvements that is now or hereafter shall be made in the same Farm or Lot of land untill [sic] the said Abraham Schremling Shall arrive at the age of twenty one years---and I do further order will devise demise and bequeath unto my Said Son Peter Schramling his heirs executors and Administrators that

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That he or they may occupie [sic] process and enjoy the whole of the said Premises and all the profits there of from the time of my demise until my son Abraham Schremling shall have arrived at the age of Twenty one years

Provided my said son Peter Schremling pay to my beloved Eva Schremling for the use of my Son Abraham Schremling the sum of fifty dollars per year yearly and every year from the time of my demise until my said son Abraham Schremling arrives at the age of twenty one years to be applied by his mother whom I do by these presents Nominate and appoint as his Guardian to sell for and receive the said sum of fifty Dollars per year from my said Son Peter Schremling his heirs executors or Administrators which said money I do appoint his Said Abraham Schremlings mother and Guardian to apply to the maintenance Clothing and such Schooling as she my Said wife Eva Schremling may think fitting and best for the Improvement of my Said son Abraham Schremling in life—Provided never the less that after my decease incase my Said son Abraham Schremling should not live to the age of twenty one years and at the time of his decease should be without an heir or heirs of Lawfully begotten of his body that then and in such case all the Estate hereby abovemaid? [sic] to him and his heirs shall cease and determine and that all the Estate above made to him and his heirs Shall revert to (and in such case) I do give bequeath devise and demise all the property intended to be hereby made to my Said son Abraham Schremling that is shall revert to and be the property of my sons Peter Schremling, George Schremling and Hendrick Schremling Junior to be equally
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Divided between them share and share alike or their heirs and assigns forever as the same division is above ordered to be made between my sons Peter Schremling and Abraham Schremling and their heirs

I further give devise and bequeath unto my two sons George Schremling and Henry Schremling Junr their heirs and assigns forever, all my Farm on lot of land estimated at one hundred acres of Land (be the same more or less) whereon I now live at Otego town in the County of Otsego in the State of New York as well as all that Lot of forty acres of Land adjoining the same by me bought from Abraham G. Lansing of the County of Albion to be divided between them and their heirs equally according to the number of acres in each Lot but at the same time devising and bequeathing unto my Son George Schremling and his heirs and assigns forever that half of the same lands when on my House Barn and other Buildings are erected to assertain to my said son George Schremling his heirs and assigns forever but the Orchard to be equally divided between my said two sons George Schremling and Hendrick Schremling Junr their heirs and assigns forever according to the number of trees

I do also give and bequeath unto my youngest son Abraham Schremling his choice of two horses out of all my stock of horses Mares or Geldings which at the time of my demise I may be possessed of to be chosen by his mother and Guardian for his use within six weeks after my decease hereby empowering her if she sees fit as Guardian to my said youngest son Abraham Schremling to sell the same and to put the money arising from such sale on interest for the uses of my said son Abraham Schremling until he arrives at the age of twenty one years when the product of the same shall be paid to him or his heirs lawfully begotten of his body but in case the said Abraham Schremling shall die

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or depart this life before he arrives at the age of twenty one years without heirs of his body lawfully begotten then and in such case it is my will and devise that my said beloved wife Eva Schremling shall collect and pay over the amount of the same principal and interest money to my three sons Peter Schremling George Schremling and Hendrick Schremling Junr or their legal representatives to be equally divided between them    And lastly as to all the rest residue and remainders of my Personal Estate Goods and Chattels of what kind and nature soever give and bequeath to same to my said beloved wife Eva Schremling whom I hereby appoint Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament

In witnesses whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty-fourth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and eight.
                                                                                    Henrich Schemling (LS?)

Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Hendrick Schremling to be his last will will [sic] and testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the testator the letters ee first line 2 page and the daughter between the 8th page and the ninth line second page and the word at between 17 and 18 lines in page 4 interlined before executed, in presence of us

Peter Winn
David Life
Jno M_? Charlesworth

Recorded June 22nd 1810

Page 23
Otsego County js? Be it remembered that on the twenty second day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten personally appeared before me Ambrose Clark Surrogate of the County of Otsego aforesaid Peter Winn of the County of Montgomery who being duly sworn testified and said that he saw Hendrick Schremling sign and seal the written Instrument in writing purporting to be the will of the said Hendrick Schremling and heard publish and declare the same as and for his last will and testament that at the time thereof he the said Hendrick Schremling was of sound and disposing mind and memory to be the best of the knowledge and belief of him the deponent and that his name subscribed to the said will is of his own proper hand writing which he subscribed as a witness thereto in the testators presence and that he saw David Life; and Jno Mr Charlesworth the other witnesses to the said will subscribe their names as witnesses thereto in the testators presence and in the presence of each other.
                                                                        Ambrose Clark   Surrogate

The preceding Will of Hendrick Scremling Deceased with the Certificate of the proof thereof Recorded this twenty second day of June AD 1810 by me

                                                                        Ambrose Clark   Surrogate 

Amanuensis Monday was begun by John Newmark of the TransylvanianDutch blog. The term means, "a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another." Many bloggers enjoy doing this because it allows them to freely copy something that has been written.