
Monday, October 31, 2016

How Does Lowell Look Without the Canal Water?

The inspiration for this post comes from the photo I took early this morning (Oct. 31, 2016). For some reason, it looks like it was taken in another country, not downtown Lowell. This is the time of the year when many of the canals are drained for about three weeks, it always happens soon after the last boat tours are operated by the National Park Service. I always feel bad when tourists come to town and see how ugly the canals look. I went though several years of photos and selected the ones I wanted to share. This post probably won't be of interest to anybody but former and current Lowell residents.

The above photo taken last year (Nov. 3), note old boat  ramp, compared to this year's (Oct. 31) picture with new ramp.

Below is one of the reasons water is removed from the canals. Repair work needs to be done, this time at Boott Cotton Mills.