
Monday, October 31, 2016

Poole Manuscript -- Pages 76-100

On May 31, 2016, I posted the first 25 pages of the Poole Family Manuscript which may be be seen on the link. This is has been a long project, and has now ended with all 257 pages proofed. I can assure you, this is not all about the Pooles of Reading, Massachusetts. There are many other surnames in the manuscript. Each of the page numbers is active and you can see the original manuscript.

of all my quick stock and the one half of my husbandry tools or utensels.  Also my will is that whereas my quick stock is given the one half to my wife and the other half to my sd. Cousin Thomas Poole, tis here ordered that all my just Debts and funeral charges shall be paid out of them before the division to be made and the charges for settling of my Estate also.
            Item.    I give and bequeath to my Cousin Samuel Poole, son of my brother Jonathan Poole, all the Housing and lands which I have before given to my wife during her Life, which sd. Samll Poole shall have and Injoy forever, and his Heirs after my wive’s decease, Provided he and they pay and perform all and whatsoever I shall order and appoint him to do in this my Will.
            Item,    I give to my Cousin Thomas Collier the sum of thirty pounds which shall be paid to him by ye above sd. Samll Poole att the End of two years after my wive’s decease.
            Also my Will is that sd. Samll Poole, and hereby I do order him to pay thirty pounds to the Nor. Westerly part of the Old Parish in Reading call the Wood End, ifthey are a Precinct within three years after my wive’s decease, and if not, then sd. Thirty Pounds shall be paid to the Minister and Deacons of the Church in the old Parish afores’d to be disposed by them of s’d. Churche’s use which shall be paid within three years after my wive’s decease.
            Item,    I give to my Cousin (niece) Tabitha Pratt who

lived with us sometime ago, the sum of Twenty Pounds which shall be paid to her by sd. Cousin Thomas Poole within three years after my Decease.
            Item.    I give to Rebecah Goodwin, wife of John Goodwin, jr., who also lived with us sometime ago, the sum of twenty Pounds, which shall be paid to her by sd. Cousin SamllPoole afordsaid after my wive’s decease.  Also my will is that my wife shall have my Annotations and Concordance, During her life, and then they shall be Samll Poole forever.  Also I give to my Cousins (nephews) James and Jonathan Nickols all my wareing Clother and Cane, and after my wive’s decease my Greate Bible.
            Item.    I give to Mary Cowdry, who now lives with us the sum of twenty Pounds, which shall be paid to her by my s’d. Cousin Samll Poole within two years after my decease.Farther my will is and I do give my Negro Man, (probably the Negro Man Bedford bequeathed to his sister-in-law Bridget on the death of Jonathan Poole her husband 1723) to s’d. Samll Poole, And further I give to my wife my horse, furniture, and the use of half my Husbandry tools, and at the decease sd. Husbandry tools shall be my sd. Cousin Thomas Poole’s. Also I give my Gun to sd. Thomas Poole and my Rapier and Belt to Samll Poole.

My will is that sd. Samll Poole and Thomas Poole shall sett up gravestones at the head and foot of my Grave, and further they two shall have and enjoy all what forever of my Estate that is nott giving (given) away before in this my Will.
            And my Will is, and I do hereby nominate, Constitute and ordain my well beloved wife Rebeccah Poole and my cousin Samuel Poole to be the Executers of this my last Will and Testament, and I do hereby utterly Disallow and Desanull, Revoak and make Void all and every other former Wills and Testaments, Executors, Executrix, by me made before this time, Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament.
            In witness whereof I have sett my hand and affixed my seal the Day and year above written. Signed, sealed, Published and Declared by the s’t. Thomas Poole as his last Will and Testament in Presence of us the subscribers. 
Nathl. Stow.
Kendal Parker             [ handwritten the word signature here]
Joseph Burnap.            Proved and allowed Feb. 12, 1732-3.
            Thomas Poole’s widow, Rebecca Boutwell, three years after made the following Will in which she alludes to the “Small Estate” she should leave to her relatives, having as seen above only a life interest in the Poole property.

Will of Rebecca Poole of Reading, 1735-6.
            In the name of GodAmen, The Nineteenth Day of March, Seventeen Hundred and Thirty-five-six, in the Ninth Year of our Sovereigh Lord George the Second, King of Great Britton, I Rebeccah Poole of Reading in the County of Middlesex and Providence of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, widow, and Relique of Capt. Thomas Poole, late of Reading, Deceast, Being on good Bodily Health & of Perfect Mind and Memory, Thanks be given God therefor, yet calling to mind the mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this is my last Will and Testament.
            That is to say, Principally and first of all my Soul I give to and Recommend into the hand of God who gave it, and my Body I commend it to the Earth to be buried in a Christian like manner at the Discretion of my Brother Deacon Thomas Boutell and my brother-in-law Ebens Emerson nothing doubting but that I shall Receive the same again by the mighty Power of God.  And as touching such worldly goods and Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me withal in this Live, I give and dispose of in the following manner and form.
            Imprimis.         My Will is that all my just debts, funerall charges and charges for settling my Estate, shall first of all be paid out of the Small Estate that I shall have at my decease, and Then my Will is that all

The rest of my Estate shall be, whether Real or Personall moveable or Imoveable, shall be Equally Divided amongst all my Brothers and Sisters that are liveing or shall be living at my decease, and the Heirs of those of any Brothers and Sisters that are or shall be dead or deceast att that time.  That is to say all the children or heirs of one Brother or Sister that is dead, shall receive and enjoy as much of my Estate as one of my Brothers of Sisters yt shall be alive att my decease and no more.  My Brothers and Sisters that are now living are Deacon Thomas Boutall, Kendal Boutell, Sarah Townsend, Tabitha Cowdrey, Mary Emerson and Elizabeth Hartshorn, and those that are Deceased were James Boutall and John Boutell.  And among all those my brothers and sisters above mentioned whether living or dead, and their heirs, shall all my Estate be Divided as aboves’d.
            Lastly my Will is and Hereby I do nominate, Constitute and ordain my well beloved Brother Deacon Thomas Boutall and my Brother-in-law Ebens Emerson to be joint Executors of this my Last will and Testament, hereby disallowing and Disannulling all other Wills and Executrs Ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament, the Day and Year above written.
            The within written Will was signed, sealed, Published and Declared by the sd. Rebeckah Poole to be her Last Will and Testament, in the presence of 

Jona Eaton
Isaac Burnap
Nathl. Stow.
            From the records of the first church of Reading in 1722, then under the charge of the pious and Godly Revd. Richard Brown, we derive the following account of the attempt of that eminent divine to establish a system of congregational singing “by Rule” and his melancholy discomfiture therein; notwithstanding his “having been encourage” by several prominent parishioners, especially Capt. Jona. Poole and his son Thomas.
            “Anno. 1722.  There having been sad confusions, in which I often have observed for several years past, (and did often in the Public mention which trouble, and prey might be reformed) in our singing: Some were above others, some before others, and all was, as I apprehended, for want of going more together, which I urged to no purpose  And understanding that there was a Rule, I looked on it, and conceiving ye knowledge and keeping of ye Rule, would prevent this confusion in that part of our public worship, I promoted learning to sing to that End: several public lectures were had to promote it; then I preached by myself, and 2d by Mr. Wm. Symes, and 3d by Mr. Fiske, where much was said to encourage it, and in each of which they sang four times exact by the Rule, no man opposing; a School was set up, many, both men and women, learnt; some indeed were not so clear

in it (as by mistake) conceiving it Popery; but at length, having been incouraged by several, as by all the Deacons, Capt. Jonathan Poole, Capt. Burnap, Ensign Bancroft, Sergt. Thomas Poole, Lieut. Bryant and Lieut. Kendal Parker, (most of whom came to the School) that learnt, the first night they begun, they sung with the wisht success, (4 of his family)(Kendall Parker’s) attended the school; he learnt himself; sang by Rule in his family, divers months together; and as I observed sung by Rule in the public, and as I hear set the tune by Rule 3 times in the Public, on day when I was sick; and being urged by some to bring it into the assembly, and especially by Deacon Boutwell, the eldest Deacon several times; On Nov. 8, being the thanksgiving day after the public worship was over, I proposed it to the church and congregation to sing by Rule; and by what I had heard, not expecting any opposition, I said that if they were all willing, I would take their silence for consent, and no man answered one word, but all were silent and went away” Richard Brown.
            The church records of the previous year give a “Catalogue” of the members in full communion among which are the names of Thomas Poole3 and Rebecca his wife, Sarah Poole, (dau. of John3 (of Lynn) Jonathan Poole4  (bro. of Jonathan) Lieut. John3 (of Lynn) and Mary his wife, and Judith Poole4 who married, same year James Boutwell of Reading.

15.       John Poole4 son of Lieru. John3 and Mary, (Jona2, John1) was b. in Reading before his father removed to “Lynn End”, Jan. 20, 1689-90, married 1st May 6, 1709 Sarah, Dau. of Jonas & Hannah Eaton, who was b. Reading, Mar. 25, 1693 & d. Nov. 30, 1728, and m. 2d July 8, 1729, Hannah, dau. of Jonas and Hannah Eaton, who was b. Reading, Mar. 25,1693 & d. Nov. 30, 1728 and m. 2d July 8, 1729, Hannah, dau. of Thomas and Hannah Vinton of Woburn and widow of Thomas Green of Reading, and who d. Feb. 20, 1753.  Besides considerable land in Lynn he owned property in Lunenberg, having, with his brother Timothy on May 13, 1726, bought 200 Acres in the South town on the West of Groten Common, called Turkey Hill.

Will of John Poole4 of Reading, 1753.

            In the name of GodAmen.  I, John Poole of Reading in the County of Middlesex and Province of the Massachusetts bay in New England, Yeoman, being under indisposition of body but of Sound and Disposing mind, Thanks be to God theirfor, Calling to mind my own frailtie, and knowing that all Men must die, - Do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament, In manner following – (That is to say, First of all I recommend my Soul to God who gave it to me, and Commend my body to the Earth to be buried in a Decent and Christian like manner, by my executors hereafter named not Doubting but that I shall again Receive the same at the Last Day) and as to my Worldly Estate that God in his providence hath blessed me with, I dispose of in the following manner:
            First, My will is that all my Just Debts and funeral

charges shall be payed by my Executors hereafter named, in convenient time after my Decease.
            Item, My Will is, and I do hereby give unto my Eldest Son John5 Poole, who m. Mary Parker, over and above what I have all reddie given to him, My Cloak and Fore pounds lawful money, which fore pounds I order my Executor hereafter named to pay to my said Son John or his heirs at the End of one year after my Deceas.
            Item, My will is, and I do hereby give unto my Son James5 Poole, who removed to Lunenburg, his heirs and assigns all my lands in Luningburg, in the county of Worchester; and I give to my said Son James a part of my waring apparel, that is, my black leather Jac-coat and Breaches, and I give to my said Son James Fore pounds lawful money to be payed him by my Executor hereafter named, and I Do hereby order my Sd. Executro to pay the aforesaid fore pounds to my Son James of his heirs at the End of two years after my Decease.
            Item, My will is and I do hereby Give, unto my son Jonathan Poole his Heirs and assigns, all my housing and Lands lying and being in the Township of Reading, and I give to my sd. Son Jonathan all my quick Stock and the hay in the barn, and all my out Dore moveables, and I Give to my sd. Son Jonathan all the Provitions in the hous, and all my Cyder barrells and meal tubs, and I give unto my sd. Son Jonathan, my Gun, and all the money that I shall Leave at my Decease; and all the bds or

bond for money or what ever Debts may be due me, and I give to my son Jonathan all my waring apparel that is not above given away, all the aforesaid housing and Lands in Reading and the several other artikles Given above to my Son Jonath4 Poole I do give to him, his heirs, &c; he or they paying what I have all Readie ordered or shall hereafter order hime to pay and perform in this my will.
            Item, My will is and I Do Give unto my Dafter Sarah Gale, wife of Wm. Gale, the Sum of thirteen pounds Six shillings and Eight pence Lawful money, To be payed to her or her heirs in the following manner by my Executor; That is: Six pounds thirteen Shilling fore pence at the End of two years after my Decease, and Six pounds thirteen Shillings and fore pence at the end of three years after my Deceas.
            Item, My will is and I Do Give unto my Dafter Elizabeth Prat, wife of John Pratt the Sum of Twenty pounds Lawfull money, To be payed to her or her heirs by my Executor in the manner following, that is to say: Six pounds thirteen Shillings and fore pence at the end of one years after my Decease, and Six pounds thirteen Shillings and fore pence at the End of two years after my decease, and the other Six pounds thirteen shilling and fore pence at the end of three years after my Decease.  And further my will is and I do give unto my two Dafters above mentioned all my household goods that are not above given to my Son or Sons to be equally

Divided between them.
            And my Will is and I Do Constitute and appoint my Son Jonathan Poole to be my only and Soul Executor to this my Last Will and Testament, and I Do hereby Revoak all former Wills and Testamennts and do Ratifie and Confirme this and this only to be my Last Will and Testament.
            In witness whereof I, the said John Poole have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, this twenty seventh Day of February, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven hundred and Fifty and Three, and in the Twenty Sixth year of his Majesties Reign, George the Second, King of England, &c.
Signed, sealed, published, pronounced and declared by the said John Poole to be his Last Will and Testament, In the presence of us
Benja. Brown, Jr.                                                        [Handwritten, the word: signature)
John Bouttell
John Temple.

Inventory of Real Estate

Personal         “       “
   71. 5.5


50 Acres Land in Lunenburg.

            By his wife Sarah Eaton, he had seven children, and so far as known, none by his 2d wife Hannah (Vinton) Green.  These children were:

37.       i.          John5, b. Apr. 10, 1713, m. Apr. 19,1733, Mary Parker, d._____
38.       ii.         Nathaniel5, b. Apr. 13, 1714, was living 1743 under guardianship, non-compos.
39.       iii.        James5, b. abt. 1718, rem. to Lunenburg.
40.       iv.        Jonathan5, b. Jan. 14, 1720, m. 1st Mary Leaman, 2d Mary Sheldon.
41.       v.         Sarah5, b. Nov. 25, 1721, m. 1742, Wm. Gales, bro. of Edmund of Marblehead.
42.       vi.        Elizabeth5, b. Mar. 5, 1723-4, m. John Pratt, son of Saml. And Joanna b. 1723, children: John b. Mar. 26, 1748: Nathl. B. Nov. 12, 1749; Edward b. July 28, 1752: Elizabeth b. Aug 9, 1754.
43.       vii        Ephraim5, May 11, 1726.

16.       Nathaniel Poole4, son of Lieut. John3 and Mary, (Jona2, John1) was b. Mar. 19, 1691: by his uncle Samuel3 was made residuary legatee to his whole estate after the death or marriage of his widow, and the payment of the bequests to his relatives named in his will.  He was to have had also the third of the income of the Estate if the widow should marry, provided his father “will bring him up to the Colledge”.  This liberal allowance evidently failed in its purpose, as we hear no more of Nathaniel, who must have died at an early age,

and the property reverted to one of his brothers or a cousin.

21.              Timothy Poole4, son of Lieru. John3 and Mary (Jona2, John1) was b. Lynnfield (now North Saugus) on the original homestead of 1636.  He was a member of the Church of Lynnfield under pastorate of Rev. Nathaniel Sparhawk, and a deacon of the Second Church.  He was purchaser of lands in Lunenburg in Worchester County, as was also his brother John.  Among the deeds recorded in that County are the following: one tract purchased April 12, 1738 from James Burbeen of Boston, “in 2d. Division” “one proprietor’s share” in Narragansett township No. 2 and houselot No. 88, from Stephen Wellman of Lynn, purchased Mar. 20 1740, one hundred Acres from Joseph Goodridge of Lunenberg, Feb. 8, 1742, all the right of Nathan Goodwin of Boston in Narragansett township No. 2 and houselot No. 60, Aug. 4, same year; six hundred Acres in that town formerly belonging to William Clark of Boston in 1746.
He sold to Samuel4 Poole of Lynn, June 16, 1738, of this Lunenburg property 106 acres, to Thomas Stearns of Lynn; Nov. 28, 95 acres bounded by land of Sam’l4 and John4Poole; to Paul Upton of Salem, Nov. 20 1741, 130 acres bounded by land of Jona.4 Poole of Woburn; to Hon. Timo. Lindall of Salem, June 2, 1746, 600 Acres

to Hon. Josiah Willard of Boston, June 15, 1747, 100 Acres, and finally to Thomas Stearns of Lunenberg 145 Acres, bounded by Saml. Poole. It thus appears that all his interest in the Lunenburg property, amounting to eleven hundred and seventy six acres, was disposed of before his death, and his will also shows that the real property he died possessed of was situated in Stoneham, Lynn, and Reading.
He married, Nov. 9, 1725 Elizabeth, dau. of John and Tabitha Goodwin of Reading, who was b. Sept. 24, 1706 and d. at Lynnfield, May 5, 1796, in her 90th year.  His death occurred Feb. 28, 1753, at the age of 56, at the ancient homestead, near Saugus River.

Will of Timothy Poole4 of Lynn, 1753.
In ye Name of GodAmen.
The twenty-third day of February, One thousand, Seven Hundred and fifty-three, I, Timothy Poole of Lynn in ye County of Essex, in ye Province of ye Massachusetts Bay in New England, Esquire, being weak of Body but of perfect mind and memory, wherefore Calling to mind my mortality and that it is appointed for all men once to Die, Do make and ordane this is my Last Will and testament, that is to say;- Principally and first of all I Give and Recommend my Soul to God that gave it, and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be Buryed in a Decent Christian Burial, at ye Discresion of my Executors, nothing doubting by at ye Generall Resurrection I shall Receive ye same again by the mighty power of God.  And concerning

such worldy Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in the Life, I Give, Devise and Dispose of ye same in ye following manner and form:
            Imprimis, My Will is, and I Do Hereby ordain that my Land and Building at Stonham, my Land which I bought of Mr. Joseph Eaton, on the South Side of ye Way that Leads from my House to ye Meeting House and the Land I bought of my Brother John4 Poole, shall be sold to pay my just Debts and funeral Charges, and what that will not Pay to be Pay’d out of my Personal Estate.
            2ly.      My Will is, and I Give and Bequeath unto my well beloved Wife Elizabeth one third Part of my Household Stuff to be at her Dispose:
            3ly.      I Give to my Beloved Wife ye Improvement of all my Estate both Real and Personall, until my Son John Poole Doth come to ye age of Twenty-one years, and then one-third of my Real Estate, so long as he shall Remane my Widow, Excepting what is to be sold.
            4ly.      My Will is and I Do Give and Bequeath to my Son John Poole all my lands and Buildings in Lynn and Reading and all my out Lands Excepting what I have ordered to be Sold, and my Right in ye Saw Mill and Corn Mill, and my Will is and I Do Give to my sd. Son John all my quick Stock and Husbandry Utencils after my Debts and funeral charges are paid.
            5ly.      My Will is that Daughter Susannah shall have One Hundred and thirty three pounds Six Shillings and Eight pence Lawful Money, Forty Pounds to be paid when 

shee shall come to ye age of Eighteen years, or if she should marry before that time, to be Paid at her marriage and then thirteen pounds Six Shillings and eight pence a year yearly till ye whole is paid.
            7ly.      My Will is that my Daughter Sarah Poole shall have One Hundred and thirty three pounds Six Shillings and Eight pence, Lawful Money, Sixty pounds to be paid to her when she comes to ye age of Eighteen years, but if she shall marry sooner, then to be paid at her marriage, and then thirteen pounds Six Shillings and Eight pence a year yearly till ye whole is paid.
            ly.        My Will is that my Son John Poole Pay of Cause to be pay’d all the sums of money above mentioned at the times above mentioned, but in Case my Son John shall not live to the age of one and twenty years, then my will is that what is given to him in this my will shall be Equally Divided among my Daughters, and in case one of my Daughters Die before they come of age, to Receive their Portions then my will is that what they were to have shall be Equally Divided between ye other two Daughters.
            ly.        I give to my beloved wife my Silver Tancard and the one half of my Books, over and above her thirds of ye household stuff, excepting my Great Bible and Law Book.
            ly.        I Give my Son John my Clock and my Great Bible and Law Book, and the other half of ye Rest of my Books, and my Military Arms and my Sword, and the Remainder

of my indore moveables, and my Neagro named Primas.
ly.        My will is that if my wife should marry that shee shall have one pound six shillings and eight pence a year yearly during her natural life.
ly.        I appoint and my will is that my wife Elizabeth and Deacon Brown Emerson shall be ye Soul Executors of this my Last Will and Testament.
Signed sealed and Declared to 
Be Timothy Poole Last will and testament in presence of us
John Swaine.
Joseph Eaton.
Nathaniel Bancroft.                Will proved April 23, 1723.

            The guardianship of John, son of Capt. Timothy4 Poole, was granted to Dr. Joshua Barnam of Ipswich, April 23, 1753, and at the same date that of the two daughters Betty and Sarah Poole to their Mother Elizabeth Poole.
            The inventory of the Estate amounted to £2441, 5 s. 8 d, and among the list of debts due deceased were certain sums from John and Zachariah Poole, his first cousins.
            The children of Capt. Timothy by his wife Elizabeth were:-
44.       i.          Elizabeth5, b. Sept. 9, 1727, d. Jan. 7, 1728-9
45.       ii.         A son5, b. May 14, 1729, d. May 18, 1729.

46.       iii.        Susannah5, b. July 16, 1730, d. May 19, 1759 unmd.
47.       iv.        Timothy5. b. Oct. 6, 1732, d. Sept. 10, 1736.

48.       v.         John5, b. June 10, 1735, m. 1st Sarah Townsend and 2d Susannah _______ d. May 1, 1798.
49.       vi.        Timothy5 b. Aug. 10, 1738, d. Sept. 23, 1738.
50.       vii.       Betsey5, b. Aug. 18, 1742, m. Oct. 10, 1760, Joseph, son of Timothy and Jane (Belknap) Winn of Woburn, who was b. July 3, 1734, and d. April 30, 1871.  He served as Lieut. In the Revolutionary War and after its close was prominent as a citizen, being Chairman of the first board of Selectmen, chosen on the incorporation of the town of Burlington, Mass., and was one of the overseers of the Poor.  Capt. Winn by his wife Betsey Poole had the following children – Timothy Winn, b. Aug. 12, 1763; John, b. Dec. 20, 1765; Abel, b. Dec 9 1767; Betsey b. Mar. 15, 1770; Susanna, b. Nov. 2, 1771; Benjamin b. Apr. 9, 1774; Sarah b. June 10, 1776; Pamela b. Jan. 7. 1778 and d. before 1843, Jerusha, b. Jan. 25, 1780 and Lucy b. Jan 22, 1782 and Olive, b. Dec. 6, 1784.
51.       viii.      Timothy5, b. Dec. 7, 1744, d. Aug. 3, 1746.
52.       ix.        Sarah5, b. Dec 17, 1747.

22.              Thomas Poole4, son of Lieut. John3 and Mary (Jona2, John1) was b. “Linfield homestead” May 8, 1708, removed to Reading and here m. Eunice Green, dau. of William and Elizabeth (Farmer) Green, b. 1709.  He afterwards removed to Groton, Mass., where his youngest

child was born, and died there 1748.  He was a yeoman.  By his wife Eunice he had:
53.       i.          Thomas5, b. March 23, 1729-30.
54.       ii.         Eunice5, b. Nov. 2, 1732.
55.       iii.        William5, b. Mar. 3, 1734-5.
56.       iv.        Mary5 b. Groton, Apr. 4, 1740

26.              Samuel Poole4, son of lieut. John3 and Mary (Jon2, John1) b. Lynnfield Aug. 13, 1716. m. Mar. 13, 1738-9, Prudence Townsend, prob. Dau. of John of Lynn, who was son of Andrew, son of Thomas, the original emigrant, who settled there in 1638.  He lived in the 1st Parish, and the records of the church there show that he officiated at the funeral of the Revd. Richd Brown of singing memory in 1733.  Among the funeral charges were several items indicating the comvivial character of the entertainment provided to assuage the grief of the morners attending the sepulchral rites at his burial.  On this occasion five pounds sterling were expended for wine, eighteen shillings for “Rhum” and upwards of ten pounds for provisions.  Of the children of Samuel and Prudence we have no account, if any there were, not of his estate.  He was the youngest son.
27.              Jonathan Poole4, son of Jona3, Esq. and Bridget (Fitch) (Jona2, John1) was born in Reading, Sept. 14, 1692, m. Apr. 16, 1714 Esther, dau. of Col. Eleazer, Flag of Woburn, and died Feb. 8, at Woburn to

which place he removed a few years after his marriage. She died in 1759, and in Nov. 12 of that year, administration on her estate was granted her son Eleazer Flagg Poole, Thomas Read, Jona. Fox and William Belknap, all of Woburn.  He inherited the handsome estate of his grandfather Benjamin Fitch, conveyed to him during his father’s lifetime, by deed of gift, and by his father’s will received the paternal “cloak and cane”, having already received “a double portion” compared with the amounts received by his brothers, Benjamin, Samuel and Zachariah.  He sold the Estate on his removal to Woburn about 5 years before his father’s death. He was prominent in church affairs, and is recorded as a member of a committee appointed in July 18, 1728 to inform the Rev. Edwd. Jackson of his election as colleague to Rev. Mr. Fox. He was charged with the special duty of providing a banquet at the ordination of that minister, and rendered the following account with the expense of the same, for “subsisting” the Ministers, Messengers and Gentlemen in the time of Mr. Jackson’s ordination.

For 433 Dinners at 2s. 6d a Dinner
 “ Suppers & Breadfasts, 178,
“  Keeping 32 horses 4 days,
  3. 0.0
“  Six Barrels & one half of Cyder,
“  25 Gallons of Wine,
“  2 Gallons of Brandy & 4 gallons of Rhum
“  Loaf Sugar, Lime Juice & Pipes


83.  9.6

This union of pastor and Colleague, though ushered in by such liberal hospitality and profuse vinous  absorption proved to be an unhappy and discordant one, resulting in the breading up of the church organization; about two-fifths of the members withdrawing and forming an independent church.  A petition was drawn up by Mr. Jona. Poole  and others, and presented to the legislature asking to be excused from paying taxes for the support of Rev. Mr. Jackson, and praying for the division, which was granted, in Sept. 1746.
From the Woburn town records we learn that in 1738, “upon petition of Nathaniel Saltonstall, Esq., Jonathan Poole, Esq. and Captain Isaac Du Pee, gentlemen of distinction in the town from abroad, that they might each of them be allowed to build pews for themselves, the town voted liberty to the former gentlemen to set in the pew once occupied by Colonel Tyng, but denied all of them the liberty to build any more.”  The reason for this action is stated to be, that in 1713, the town of Woburn had by special favor allowed Col. Jonathan Tyng, a gentleman from Boston, who had been one of the Governor Edmund Andros’ Council, to build a pew in the meeting house, at his own cost, which was to be the town’s property after his own and his lady’d decease.  In March, 1716, leave was given to the daughters of four of the principal families to build a pew to sit in, with the proviso that it revert afterwards to the town.

This privilege was revoked six months later on account of the disturbance excited by the conferring of this exclusive privilege.
            Mr. Jona. Poole was a Selectman from 1737 to 1744.  He was a member of a committee of nine who were appointed trustees for the sum of £3300, proceeds of the sale of 2000 acres of land at Lunenburgh, which trust he held till the day of his death in 1755, at which time he was the Chairman of the Committee.
            In the old grave yard of Woburn, may still be seen his tomb-stone, bearing the following inscription”
Here Lyes Buried the Body of
Jonathan Pool, Esq.
Who departed this life
Feby 8th, 1755, Aetat 63.
The Righteous are taken away from Evil to come
While ye Living lay it not to their Hearts.
The Memory of the Just is Blessed.

His character was that of an upright, pious and exemplary Christian.  He was active in religious affairs, devoted to the interests of his Church, and greatly respected by the community in which he lived so large a portion of his life. He left at his decease a considerable estate, derived from his father by gift and from his father-in-law Col. Flagg, who was one of the most prominent of the citizens of Woburn, b. in 1670 and died July 12, 1726.

            By his wife Esther Flagg, b.       d. 1759, he had the following children:
57.       i.          Esther5, b. Reading, Apr. 16, 1717, m. abt. 1738, Joseph Burbeen.
58.       ii.         Bridget5, b. Reading, July 15, 1720, d. July 7, 1726.
59.       iii.        Eleazer5 Flagg, b. Reading, July 7, 1724, d. Aug. 4, 1724. (Gravestone Dec. 4, 1724).
60.       iv.        Jonathan5, b. Woburn, Aug. 8, 1728, d. July 23, 1736.
61.       v.         Eleazer Flagg5, b. Woburn, May 24, 1734, d. Mar 17, 1776, m. Mary Carter.

28.Benjamin Poole4, son of Jona3 Esq. and Bridget (Jona2 John1) was born in Reading, April 17, 1694, d. Dec. 17, 1732, m. 1st July 16, 1715, Bethiah, dau. of Daniel and Hannah Mansfield of Lynn, who was b. Oct. 4, 1695, d.      M 2nd., Dec. 17, 1723, Mehitable, dau. of Benjamin and Mehtiable Gibson of Boston, who was born Aug. 5, 1706.
            He was a farmer and also a magistrate as his father was before him, and inherited one-half the homestead farm of his father, buy his will (p. 60) and was made sole Executor and residuary Legatee, besides falling heir by the same instrument to the magisterial Wig, (an awful edifice constructed in those days of horsehair, and calculated to strike terror into the minds of evil dis-

posed persons) succeeding him in the office of Justice of the Peace.  He was also one of the Selecmen, but dies at the early age of 38, in the full career of his usefulness.  In the records and tradition of his name is always mentioned with respect.  He joined the 1st Church at Reading, June 29, 1718, and his wife Bethiah, Sept. 20, 1719.  Administration was granted on his estate to his widow Mehitable, March 5, 1732.  Sureties, Kendall Parker of Reading and Benj. Gibson of Boston.  Inventory March 22, 1733, 1589.  Among the items are, One Negro Woman at 60, and one grist mill, at 300.
            Thomas Mansfield clothier of Lynn, and his wife Bethiah, daughter of Benj. And Mehtiable Poole, acknowledge receipt of 83, dd, with a Silver Tankard and sundry clothing, amounting in all to 114, paid them by Benjamin Gibson of Boston.
            The following receipt also occurs: Reading Oct. 13, 1730, Received of Benjamin Poole, Esq. Five Pounds, as Executor to ye Estate of his honoured Father Jonathan Poole, Esq., deceased, who was Exceutor to ye Estate of Deacon Benjamin Fitch, deceased, as a Legacy gave me by ye said Deacon Benj. Fitch, In his Last Will and Testament.
            I say rec’d. in full by me.
                                                Joseph Pierpont.

            By his wife Bethiah (Mansfield) he had one daughter. 
62.       i.          Bethiah5 b. Aug. 24, 1718, d. previous to 1751. She m. Thomas, son of Daniel and

Joanna Mansfield of Lynn, who was b. May 24, 1717, d. by a fall from a horse, Sept. 11, 1758.  Mr. Mansfield m. after decease of 1st wife Bethiah, Ann Robie, of Boston, His Children, all by Bethiah, were Thomas; Samuel; Ann and Benjamin. By his wife Mehitable (Gibson) dau. of Benjamin Gibson of Boston, who was one of the deacons of Brattle Street Church, he had the following children:
63.       ii.         Benjamin5, b. Feb. 14, 1724-5.
64.       iii.        William5, b. Feb 13, 1725,-6, m. Hannah Nichols, d. Hollis, H. H. Oct. 27, 1795.
65.       iv.        Meitable5, b. Jan. 22, 1727-8, m. April 6, 1749, Capt. Joseph Fitch of Boston, son of Joseph & Margaret, who was b. Aug. 21, 1724.
66.       v.         James5, b. Sept. 29, 1729.
67.       vi.        Bridget5, b. July 2, 1731.
68.       vii.       Samuel5, b. Jan. 21, 1732-3 m. 3 wives, Jerush, Mehitable & Hanna.

31.       Samuel Poole4, son of Jona2, Esq. and Bridget (Jona2 John1) was b. Reading April 10, 1700, d. May 8, 1752.  Married Dec. 11, 1729, Rebecca Williams of Lynn, who was b. 1713 and d. Feb. 6, 1663.  He was admitted to membership in the 1st Church, Reading Feb. 24, 1739.  He was also admitted by letters of dismission from Lynn End (Lynnfield) May 16, 1731.  He was a farmer and occupied the estate of Reading received by will from his cousin Thomas Poole, (see p. 75)  and on which was the large house afterwards converted into a tavern, and kept