
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

If Only All Cemeteries Would Do This

For several years, I have been going to the Old Burying Ground in Lexington, Massachusetts to try and locate a few cemetery stones of individuals related to me. It has always been a challenge to find them because no updated map with a listing of names was available. The was of no help either.

Two years ago, this month, I was told by a cemetery clerk that a listing of names and maps was in the works, so I called about every six months, for an update. (You can read about that in one of the posts below.) Today was the day I was going to call again, but before I did, I fortunately did a little checking around on the internet. Wow, what a wonderful surprise...Lexington has done a great job putting together an  Old Burying Ground brochure with annotated map (pdf, prints on 11"x 17" paper)! The document is very large print rather small, but I've no complaints.

After reviewing the list of names and looking at the cemetery map, I called my contact at the cemetery and thanked her, since she worked on the project, along with others. Their cemetery site, with other information, will be very useful to the many who want to find out if their ancestors were buried there.

The Home Page for The Old Burying Ground  includes the following topics with links:

My two previous posts about the cemetery, included many fall photos of the cemetery, my Google map, and an old hand-drawn map, with a short listing of names of those interred there.

How to Find a Tombstone in the Old Cemetery (Burying Ground) in Lexington, MA, My Stearns / Stone for Tombstone Tuesday (Nov. 2015)

Is This About Six Deaths of the Children, My New Relatives OR Research  Problems? (Oct. 2016)

You might be interested in this post, written two years ago. The memorial monument is missed by many people.
Lexington, Massachusetts -- One monument with 77 Names