
Friday, November 30, 2018

Codman Estate, Lincoln, Massachusetts

Codman Estate (c. 1740)
34 Codman Road
Lincoln, Mass. 01773

Our (husband and I) first glimpse of the English country house (shown above) was a short distance from where we parked. Who wouldn't want to tour this family country home, a very short distance from Walden Pond, in Concord, and the Gropius House in Lincoln, Massachusetts. Unfortunately, we had to wait the entire summer, until it was ready to open in September (because of ground work on the property). Still, unfortunate, that work wasn't done, and it's rescheduled for next year.

The 22 room house is filled with an accumulation of furniture of different periods, there are books, china, old master paintings, family portraits, and other family possessions.

Of all the house blogs I've written, this one will have the least amount of writing, and perhaps the most photos. For more information, please use the website above.

First room we saw was the Morning Room, a corner room with lots of paintings and family portraits of the Codmans.

The ceiling in the dining room was most unusual. A small pantry is in the center of this picture, next to the huge fireplace. The family had a love of old master Dutch paintings and blue Delft plates.

The Drawing room used to be the ballroom in 1799. It was much larger than what you see in these photos. A lovely room, with a lot of windows.
The next room was the Library, shown in four photos.

Stairs to the 2nd floor to beautiful bedrooms.


Love the little purse.
Sewing kit, unfortunately we didn't see it because it is shown on special occasions (for fund-raising).

Another thing I loved were the stairs. I noticed an elevator, but not sure if it is working.

Servants back staircase, with works of art on the wall for them to enjoy?

Below are the kitchen areas, old and modernized.

Front of the house, and from the top step, looking down the walkway to the private road.

Private road to the house.

Road to Walden Pond, Concord, MA.
We didn't see the Italian Garden, walk around the house, Dorothy's Garden, Greenhouse or see the Carriage House. It is something we look forward to doing next year on a sunny day, with no chance of rain.

Because of planned outside work, this estate wasn't open until September. I am not sure what they will do for 2019. This is a popular venue for weddings and events, so I'm hoping it will be open, if not, the gardens and grounds would be. UPDATE: I called the organization and found out that the ground work is being done now, so it should be open next year!

I have decided not to use the Comment feature for my blog. If you would like to leave a comment for me or ask a question, please write me at my email: Thank you.

My reason is because since November 2017 to May 2018, I received no comments, but upon investigating I found that I had indeed received 167 legitimate ones and 1,000 were in the spam folder. Google Blogger had made some changes that I was unaware of. Please be aware that I do not know who reads my blog, I may know who subscribes, but that is all.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Celtics Coach Red Auerbach....I Met Him, What did I Get?

Why would I take this photo and write something about seeing the iconic statue of Boston legend, Red Auebach? My answer will make sense. In my first and only time attending a Celtics game, I sat behind this man (he was front row, we were second), and although I knew nothing about the Celtics, my husband did. I came across this statue one spring day while walking through Quincy Market in Boston. Two things to know; this was my first date with my husband, and I was brave enough to ask for autographs. I asked Red Auerbach, another player, and also the ultra legend, Bill Russell. I got the first two, as shown below, but Bill Russell said no.

I have no idea why I had a newspaper with me or even a scrap of paper, but I'm very glad I did, because it shows the date of March 9, 1969. I don't remember Sam Jones at all, but I'll always remember how tall Bill Russell was (husband, me and he) ran into each other in an empty corridor!

Monday, November 26, 2018

Londonderry's Leach Library, New Hampshire

Londonderry Leach Library
276 Mammoth Road
Londonderry, NH 03053 (603) 432-1132

I visited this library over two years ago, but forgot to take a photo of the Library's name, so I had to wait until I returned. Some of the photos were taken in the spring of 2016, and the others in early November 2018.
Main entrance, and check out book desk on the left.
Lovely reference desk.

A reference librarian brought me to the historical room, after I requested to see the room for a few minutes. I noticed a difference in the door, and new sign. Apparently, it was decided not to have clear glass on the door, and a room policy needed to be posted outside the room.

The room is rather small. All the holdings were in the cabinets below. At least the blinds were drawn, blocking out the sun. My photos before were quite washed out.

To find out what the library offers for genealogists and researchers, go to their website, and select Reference Services. At the bottom you will see this listing:

I noticed the above flyer, and the librarian made me a copy, shown below.

Main reading room.

Children's Room.

Nice place to read or think.

Below are two huge notebooks done by a boy scout troop, I think working on their eagle badge. If you have somebody buried in this cemetery, these volumes are what you want to look at. The draft of this helped me immensely in 2016 (as shown below).

In 2016, the Librarian showed me a binder with enough information, to help me to find the gravestone of Aaron Cutler. To show you what the scouts did, I posted photos below.

 I was lucky there was a photo.

A detailed information sheet and photo of this cemetery stone. This person is in Section R, Grave 18.
Map of the Cemetery. There is a stone wall on the bottom, near the street, and the entrance is in the middle between A and M. My Mr. Cutler is in section R (see red arrow). Diagram 3, my 3rd sheet, shows the layout for Section R, and grave 18 (red arrow) in the last row.

I found the grave stone without much trouble. Valley Cemetery is large and hilly, and if I didn't have the above work sheets, I wouldn't have found what I wanted to see. One of my favorite posts, My Perfect Research Project documented this, along with other discoveries.