
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Copps Hill Burying Ground, Boston, Massachusetts -- 4th Visit and Boy Did I Get Help

These three happy helpful men were on their lunch break and took me over to what I was looking for. This was their 2nd or 3rd year of doing cemetery repair work at this historic cemetery. My previous posts about my search and what I was looking for may be found at the link below.

They brought me to the white stick and explained they moved No. 414 a few inches from No. 413. Previously, they were almost back-to-back against each other.

My Number 414 had a stick in front of it, and the tombstone faced the opposite side. unlike most of the others.

You can only see the writing if the lighting is good.
Thomas Rand son of Robert & Elizabeth Rand, aged 15 weeks, Died on 18 Sep. 1711.
To Copp's Hill Burying Ground / Cemetery, Boston and the 3rd Time is Not a Charm  (There are maps, more photos, and information about this cemetery.)

When I walked along the path to the right, to get to where I thought my stone was, this is what I saw. If I had come before or after lunch, it probably would have been closed because of their job. When I took this photo I was almost on my stomach. It is a very small.

When I left, I took a parting shot of the three men. The photo below was just eight months before.
My September 2022 photo shows how crooked many of the stones were on this path.

A perfect day to check out the broken stones and those that have been repaired.

The cemetery is on the left and the Old North Church is straight ahead.