
Sunday, November 6, 2016

Never Say Never Even at the End

This photo doesn't mean much to anybody, other than to the person who suggested I go there. There is a historic house on this land and I knew it would be a topic for a post. I was told about this a good four months ago, and I finally went only to be told I couldn't take interior photos of this estate. Apparently, the city-owned property is currently discussing polity about photos taken on their property. Naturally, I was a tad upset, but, my thoughts were, that I would return, in the spring with hopes that photography would be allowed. I intend it to be my first post, if I return to blogging. Yes, you read right. For about five years, I've been thinking about ending my seven-year-old blog.

This shouldn't come as a surprise, especially if you already blog. You know how much time it takes to do a post, and in my case, to go and take photos and attempt to write something interesting. Over the years, I've followed over 300 blogs, and many have ended, a few bloggers have slowed down and a few writers have come back. The one issue I had with blogging was, that it was always on my mind, in the way that I wondered if it was good enough to share, was my grammar correct (probably not), could I find time to write my next post, and so forth. (I had enough topics, but not the time.) My regular genealogy research has suffered because of blogging, and I want to get back to it and other hobbies. So I'll close with this 1,257th post for now. In about five months, I'll make the decision regarding returning, and that's why I titled this, "Never Say Never Even at the End." Thank you to all the friends, and wonderful readers who were kind enough to leave me comments or write me personally. I'll still hang around on Facebook, read blogs, and make corrections and/or additions to update previous posts.

I found it quite interesting that none of my top nine posts are about my genealogy research. As shown below, and on the sidebar of each post, google determines my top nine posts based on hits. Three pertain to memorials, one about my Brick Walls, one regarding many examples of genealogy charts that were given to me, one on the surname Lay, two pertained to Lowell, and the last was about things I wished when I began blogging seven years ago.