
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Celebrating 8 years of Blogging, The Past and the Future

Lowell, MA, along the Merrimack River

I was reminded recently, that my 8th anniversary, (or blogiversary) of blogging was upon me. My readers know I haven't been writing lately, but I thought I'd share a few stats, and perhaps these would prompt me to write again.

Currently, I have 813 email subscribers and 266 followers. To me, those numbers are pretty impressive, especially since I only wrote seven posts in 2017 versus 262 in 2011. However, in these past years, amazingly I have over 540,000 page views.

I began writing genealogy-related posts, mostly about my ancestors, then went to cemetery reports, library visits to report about their genealogy collections, old houses, historical societies, a lot of posts about Lowell, Massachusetts, and then to things to see and do in New England. I thought the Travel and Tourism posts would be more popular, but in looking at my daily top 10 hits, I think genealogy topics still reign (the list of my top 10 is below).

What's coming? To begin with, I'll start with my trips during the past year, they include a castle, two athenaeums, a library or two, three Shaker villages, several historical houses, an old fort, a historical society, a historical village, a few cemetery visits, and perhaps other sites I have forgotten about. Please remember, I am not a scholar nor a writer, so most posts are what I consider light.

I have gotten interested in DNA research, and plan on contacting more people either through Ancestry or GEDmatch.  I have over 27,000 4th cousins or closer, my closest is a first cousin, (I know her); a second cousin, (no tree) I wrote to but no response; a third cousin (no tree), we communicated, but she doesn't know the names of her grandparents; a 4th cousin (5th one listed), has shared information with me since 2000.

In closing, there are two things I want to say. First, I'm thanking all 1,000 or so people who hoped I would have something to share with them via my blog. I appreciate your interest in what I have to say, or just want to see photos of New England. Second, because I don't know what you would like to read about, please let me know. I would love it if you could give me insight into what you want, and I'll try my best to write about it, or point you in the right direction. Many, many thanks to all of you.

My tip 10 blogs, as determined by Google (may be seen on the right sidebar). The links are active.



Aug 26, 2013, 21 comments



Jul 25, 2010, 12 comments (See photo below)

Feb 22, 2014, 5 comments