
Sunday, November 6, 2016

Never Say Never Even at the End

This photo doesn't mean much to anybody, other than to the person who suggested I go there. There is a historic house on this land and I knew it would be a topic for a post. I was told about this a good four months ago, and I finally went only to be told I couldn't take interior photos of this estate. Apparently, the city-owned property is currently discussing polity about photos taken on their property. Naturally, I was a tad upset, but, my thoughts were, that I would return, in the spring with hopes that photography would be allowed. I intend it to be my first post, if I return to blogging. Yes, you read right. For about five years, I've been thinking about ending my seven-year-old blog.

This shouldn't come as a surprise, especially if you already blog. You know how much time it takes to do a post, and in my case, to go and take photos and attempt to write something interesting. Over the years, I've followed over 300 blogs, and many have ended, a few bloggers have slowed down and a few writers have come back. The one issue I had with blogging was, that it was always on my mind, in the way that I wondered if it was good enough to share, was my grammar correct (probably not), could I find time to write my next post, and so forth. (I had enough topics, but not the time.) My regular genealogy research has suffered because of blogging, and I want to get back to it and other hobbies. So I'll close with this 1,257th post for now. In about five months, I'll make the decision regarding returning, and that's why I titled this, "Never Say Never Even at the End." Thank you to all the friends, and wonderful readers who were kind enough to leave me comments or write me personally. I'll still hang around on Facebook, read blogs, and make corrections and/or additions to update previous posts.

I found it quite interesting that none of my top nine posts are about my genealogy research. As shown below, and on the sidebar of each post, google determines my top nine posts based on hits. Three pertain to memorials, one about my Brick Walls, one regarding many examples of genealogy charts that were given to me, one on the surname Lay, two pertained to Lowell, and the last was about things I wished when I began blogging seven years ago.

Founders Monuments and Cemeteries in Massachusetts

For some time, I have been thinking of posting a few of my favorite posts that Massachusetts researchers seem to enjoy. As the title states, they are cemeteries and Founders Monuments.

Special Monuments in Massachusetts

Founder's Monument  --  Watertown, Massachusetts

First Settlers of Newbury, Massachusetts

Founders of Hartford, Connecticut

Lexington, Massachusetts  --  One monument with 77 Names

Cemeteries in Massachusetts

A Makeover for a 1660 No. Andover, Massachusetts Cemetery plus a A Digital Guide to the Old Burial Ground  (See bottom of page.)

Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, MA  --  How to locate Records from Home or in Person

How to Find a Tombstone in the Old Cemetery in Lexington, MA, My Stearns / Stone for Tombstone Tuesday
South Parish, Andover   Three Cemetery Databases for One Cemetery and Not One was Complete. What Would You Do?

I Wanted to Know More and I Found a lot from a Great Cemetery Database Dedham

Watertown Book, with Map and List of Burials at the Arlington Street Burying Ground

Billerica Public Library, Billerica, Massachusetts (History and Genealogy Collection);postID=2402006554964040875;onPublishedMenu=editor;onClosedMenu=editor;postNum=7;src=link

Poole Manuscript -- Pages 226-256

On May 31, 2016, I posted the first 25 pages of the Poole Family Manuscript which may be be seen on the link. This is has been a long project, and has now ended with all 257 pages proofed. I can assure you, this is not all about the Pooles of Reading, Massachusetts. There are many other surnames in the manuscript. Each of the page numbers is active and you can see the original manuscript.

sun-pictures by the solar camera upon silvered plates about 1840.  Mr. Poole at once repeated his experiments, and produced excellent specimens of Daguerreotype likenesses long before any of the pictures arrived from Europe.  He constructed several models of steam engines embracing ingenious improvements, and exhibited at a mechanics’ fair on one occasion and engine in running order, the weight of which, including the boiler, was only twenty-eight grains, and whose balance wheel was taken from an English watch.  His health from confinement at his business, failed him in his 36th year, when he died, having had by his wife Elvira the following children:-
404.     i.          Elizabeth Wilder, b. March 16, 1836, d. Sept. 28, 1869, m. June 23, 1868, Julius W. Morse of Keene, Editor of the Keene No Issue.
405.     ii.         George Edward, b. Sept. 10, 1840, m. Harriet J. Sherman.
406.     iii.        Helen, b. Jan. 23, 1845, d. Nov. 17, 1846.
   234.  Charles Henry Poole7, son of Fitch6, Senr. (Wm.[5], Zachr.4, Jona3, Jona.2 John1) b. Feb. 5, 1825, m. March 25, 1850, Mary Abbie, dau. of Stephen and Abby (Floyd) Daniels of Salem.  Died Jan. 25, 1880.  Was intended for the journalistic profession and was for some time in the office of the Salem Register and for a brief period assisted his brother Fitch in the publication of the Danvers Wizard; received an appointment to the Military Academy at W. Point in 1844, where he spent two

years, and was thereafter engaged in surveying and civil engineering in Boston and vicinity until 1852, when he was appointed assistant in the survey of the river and harbor of San Diego, California under Capt. Derby of the U. S. Topographical Engineers (better known perhaps as the humorist “John Phenix”) and was successively charged with the duties of the U. S. Surveyor of the public lands in that state, engineer of the San Diego and Gila Railroad and County Surveyor of San Diego, and in 1837 received the appointment of Assistant to the Engineer of the 8th Light house District, embracing the Gulf Coast from St. Marks, Florida, to the mouths of the Mississippi.  The war of secession out an end to this employment, and he remained at great personal risk an enforced quiet spectator of the events of that conflict, residing in Baldwin and Mobile counties in Alabama until the capture of the Bay forts by Farragut’s fleet and the occupation of Mobile by Gen. Canby’s forces, when he reported for service to Gen. Granger, the second in command, and was assigned to duty at Fort Morgan as engineer clerk of Works under Col. J. C. Palfrey, Corps of Engineers of his staff, whose headquarters were at New Orleans, having charge of repairs of the fortifications of the Gulf coast.  On being relieved in 1866 from this duty by the appointment of Lieut. Hezlep of the corps of engineers, as assistant engineer in charge, he proceeded to Washington in 1867, and received the appointment of Assistant to the Chief of the topographical division in the Post Office Department, where his duties were the construction of maps in the aid of

the Postal Service in the United States.  Was author of “Report of Survey of the So. Pac. R. R.”[,] “Report of Drainage of Boston”, “Resources of San Diego Co., Cal.” And was contributor and correspondent of various newspapers and of the Knickerbocker Magazine.
            The children of Charles Henry and Mary A. were –
407.     i.          Grace Cutler, b. Sept. 8, 1854, San Diego, Cal.  A graduate of the public schools of Washington and subsequently a teacher there and in Fairfax County, Va, d. July 15, 1880.
408.     ii.         Charles Clarence, b. Benecia, Nov. 27, 1856. An engineer, draughtsman and mechanical expert and inventor.  He was employed in 1873-4 & 5 in the U. S. Survey and construction of the maps of the extension of the Cumberland Canal in Md. and Pennsylvania under Col. W. E. Merrill of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army.
409.     iii.        George Derby, b. Mobile, Ala. Oct. 17, 1863, d. Salem, Mass. Aug. 23, 1865.
410.     iv.        Mary Gertrude, b. Washington, D. C. Aug. 19, 1867, d. Sept. 26, 1872.
   235.  Leonard Poole8, son of Luke7 and Susannah (Bates) (Jona.6, Jona.5, John4, John3, Jona.2 John1) b. Reading, Oct. 22, 1801, d. Worcester, Mass. May 13, 1862, m. Oct. 7, 1827, Lydia, dau. of John and Lydia Earle, b. Worchester Nov. 6, 1808, d. Feb., 3, 1853.  He was a blacksmith and machinist by occupation and a prominent officer in the militia.  Their children:-

411.     i.          Leonard Hill9, b. May 12, 1829, m. May 27, 1851, Emma Jane Coffin, and resides San Francisco Cal.
412.     ii.         Horace Waksfield9, b. May 31, 1831. Residence Fitchburg, Mass. by occupation an engineer and machinist; m. Sept. 9, 1861, Anna Maria, dau. of John and Julia Ager of Rutland, Mass. b. Feb. 14, 1839.  No issue.
413.     iii.        John Earle9, b. Worcester, Mass. Mar. 4, 1833, d. East Boston, Aug. 30, 1872, m. Mar. 6, 1938, Rebecca G. Dunbar.
414.     iv.        Mary Earle9, b. Worcester, Mass., May 19, 1836; m. Joseph S. Hill of Boston.
415.     v.         Ethelinde Earle9, b. Worc., Mass. May 27, 1838 for several years accountant in the office of the Comptroller of the Currency U. S. Treasury Department, Washington; d. Oct. 1878.
416.     vi.        William Henry9, b. Worcester, July 20, 1842, d. June 14, 1847.
417.     vii.       Sarah Frances9, b. Worcester, May 13, 1845, m. Nov. 5, 1867, William, S., son of Stephen 6[T?] and Sophrenia E. Badger of Concord, N. H. b. May 28, 1839, residence East Somerville, Mass., a clerk by occupation. Their children (1) a son b. and d. July 28, 1868; (2) Walter Colby Badger, b. Aug. 7, 1869; (3) Etha Mary b. Jan 16, 1873, d. Feb. 14, 1875; (4) Sarah Darling, b. Nov. 29, 1875.

418.     viii.      Frederick9, b. Cambridge, Mass. July 19, 1847.
419.     ix.        Ella Sophia9, b. Worcester, June 23, 1850, a clerk in the U. S. Pension Office, Dept. of the Interior, Washington.
420.     x.         Lydia Earle9, b. Worcester, Jan. 10, 1853.
   237.  Charles Poole8, son of Luke7 and Susannah (Jona.6 Jona.5, John4,[ Jona3,] Jona.2 John1) b. Cambridge, Mass. Aug. 1, 1806, d. Charlestown, Mass., Mar. 6, 1863, m. Nov. 1, 1832, Charlotte, dau. of William and Sally (Harris) Green of Charlestown, b. June 14, 1809, d. Somerville, Mass. Dec. 11, 1872.  For many years he was City Clerk of Charlestown.  Children:-
421.     i.          Charlotte, b. Charlestown, Dec. 3, 1833, m. Mar. 13, 1855, George Hosea, son of Hosea and Rebecca (Sanderson) Rugg, of Boston, b. Northboro, Mass. Aug. 23, 1832, Manufacturer (house of Faribanks, Brown & co. Patent scales) whose children were :- (1) Carrie Louisa Rugg b. Aug. 11, 1860 (2) George Bigelow Cheever Rugg, b. Dec. 21, 1870, both at Charlestown, Mass.
422.     ii.         Susan Hill, b. Sept. 15, 1835, m. Oct. 8, 1863, Franklin Augustus, son of Lyman and Elvira Titus, b. Wolcott, Vermont, Nov. 29, 1837, and their children were (1) EllaAugusta Titus, b. Charlestown, Nov. 2, 1868 (2) Anna Louisa, b. Oct. 4, 1871.
423.     iii.        Mary Ellen, b. Aug. 22, 1837.

424.     iv.        Charles Field, b. May 15, 1839.
425.     v.         William Henry, b. Nov. 2, 1841.
426.     vi.        Persis Bates, b. Nov. 12, 1843, d. Nov. 23, 1852.
427.     vii.       Francis Albert, b. Mar. 8, 1848, m. Florence A. Heath.
428.     ix.        Anne Elizabeth, b. Oct. 31, 1850.
   242.  Alexis Poole8, son of Lot7 and Lydia (Parker) (Jona.6, Jona.5, John4, John3, Jona.2 John1) b. Reading Aug. 6, 1806, d. Mar. 1865 Jamaica Plain, West Roxbury, m. May 4, 1831, Charlestown, Mindwell W. Harrington of Worcester.  He was elected to the office of doorkeeper of the House of Representatives of the Legislature of Mass. in 1854 and re-elected in 1855 and was a faithful and efficient officer.  Children:-
429.     i.          Harriet9 b. Oct. 31, 1832, m. 1857 Arthur, son of Ezra and Persis Taylor, of Boston, b. 1832; Merchant and produce dealer in Boston, residence Sharon, Mass.  One child Frank Authur10 b. 1864 d. 1874.
430.     ii.         Lot9, b. June 21, 1834, d. about 1839.
431.     iii.        Lilas9, b. May 19, 1836, m. May 3, 1874, Eldora b,[B.] dau. of Martin L. and Mary S. Lucas, b. Aug. 11, 1845.  Occupation, merchant, residence Jamaica Plain, West Roxbury; one child:
432.     i.          Lilas F b. May 5, 1875.
   247.  Henry Strong Poole8, son of Lot7 (Jona.6,

Jona.5, John4, John3, Jona.2 John1) b. Reading Oct. 13, 1815, (another account gives date Oct. 15, 1816) d. Boston Aug. 29, 1843, m. Nov. 28, 1839 Lydia Fuller, dau. of Benjamin and Abigail (Fuller) Judkins, b. Oct. 12, 1818, (After his decease she married 2d, Sept. 25, 1860 Rev. Jona. Edwards Woodbridge of Auburndale, Mass.)  Children:-
433.     i.          Frances Angeline, b. Nov. 25, 1840, m. July 13, 1870, William S. son of Rev. Jona. Edwards and Catherine (Starkweather) Woodbridge, b. June 30, 1845, and had:-
            (1) JonaEdwards Woodbridge, b. Jan. 30, 1872.
            (2) Catharine Woodbridge, b. Dec. 26, 1873.
434.     ii.         Henry Judkins, b. April 25, 1842, a soldier in War of Rebellion.  Mass. Inf. And was killed in action at battle of Fredericksburg, Va. Dec. 13, 1862.
252.  Samuel Poole8, son of Lot7 (Jona.6, Jona.5, John4, John3, Jona.2 John1) b. Reading, Feb. 13, 1826, m. 1st Dec. 6, 1848 Maria, dau. of Josiah and Clarissa Gilmore, b. Nov. 16, 1827, d. Oct. 4, 1851, and m. 2d Worcester, Nov. 9, 1852, Abby Temple, dau. of Ezra and Arethusa Gleason, b. Mar. 21, 1833; children, the first by Maria Gilmore.
435.     i.          Clara Isabella, b. June 4, 1850, d. June 12, 1866.
438.     ii.         Henry Bigelow, b. Aug. 28, 1853.

437.     iii.        Charles Temple, b. Aug. 1, 1857.
254.  Albert Harris Poole8, son of Seth7 (Sam’l.6, Jona.5, John4, John3, Jona.2 John1) b. Yarmouth Nova Scotia, Mar. 19, 1808, d. Saxonville, Mass., Oct. 30, 1853, m. Halifax, N. S, Aug. 13, 1835, Elizabeth, dau. of Elias J. and Agnes Hobson, b. Halifax, N. S, Jan. 15, 1810.  He was Captain in the Merchant service, sailing between New York Boston and Halifax to Liverpool.  His children were:
438.     i.          Ann Harris9, b. St. John N. B. June 8, 1837, m. Saxonville, Mass. July 18, 1860, Augustus Pfaltz b. Offenbach, Germany, 1827, d. Saxonville, Mar. 2, 1867.  Was by occupation a dyer.  Their only child was (1) Anna Amelia Pfaltz10 b. April 26, 1861.
439.     ii.         Albert William9, b. St. John, N. B., Feb. 1, 1840, d. Dec. 30, 1860.
440.     iii.        Mary Bell9, b. Liverpool, Eng. Nov. 21, 1841, d. Liverpool, Feb. 5, 1844.
441.     iv.        James Hobson b. Liverpool, Jan. 3, 1846; resides Boston, Mass. by occupation a piano fort manufacturer.
256.     Seth Barnes Poole8, son of Seth7 (Sam’l S.6, Jona.5, John4, John3, Jona.2 John1) b. Yarmouth, N. S, Aug. 28, 1811, m. Boston April 24, 1836, Lydia, Dau. of Ethan and Mary Darling b. Marlboro, Mass. Oct. 9, 1811.  Residence Newton, Mass. but is a manufacturer of piano forts, Boston

Their children:
442.     i.          Emeline Augusta, b. Marlboro, Mass. June 20, 1838.
443.     ii.         Lydia Alithea, b. South Boston, April 3. 1841.
444.     iii.        Sophia Ednah, b.  “            “   Sept. 15, 1845, d. Newton, Mass. Feb. 4, 1865.
            257.     Peter Casheburg [Cashenburg] Poole8, son of Seth7 (Sam’l. S.6, Jona.5, John4, John3, Jona.2 John1) b. Yarmouth, N. S., June 22, 1813, d. Liverpool, Eng., Oct. 22, 1848, m. 1840 Anne Bell, b. Liverpool, 1818, d. Ramsey, Isle of Man, April 7, 1853.  He was a shipmaster and sailed between Boston and Liverpool.  They had
445.     i.          John Harkness9, b. Liverpool, Eng., July 20, 1857, m. Liverpool, June 1, 1869.  Fanny Elliot Bailey b. Nov. 20, 1848 and resides East Boston, Mass. and by profession a mariner.  Their children:
446.     i.          Anne Elizabeth10, b. Boston, April 3, 1872.
447.     ii.         Benjamin Buchanan10, b. June 22, 1873.
448.     iii.        Albert Cashenburg10, b. Boston Feb. 27, 1875 d. Aug. 6, 1875.
            259.     John Poole8, son of John7 (Sam’l. S.6, Jona.5, John4, John3, Jona.2 John1) b. Yarmouth, N. S, abt. 1804 d. m. Harriet, dau. of James and Mary Dane (descendant of Thomas Dane of Ipswich, Mass. who was an emigrant in 1789 to Yarmouth, N. S. and settled at “Burrell’s Corner”) Their children:-

449.     i.          James Dane9 b. Yarmouth N. S. Nov. 9, 1838, m. 1859, Azubah, dau. of George and Azubah Kelley, b. Yarmouth 1840, d. Oct. 10, 1873 age 33.  Their children
450.     i.          Atilla Porter, b. 1861.
451.     ii.         George Kelley b. 1863.
452.     iii.        John Edgar, b. 1865.
453.     iv.        Charles    b. 1867.
454.     v.         James Dane b. 1870.
455.     vi.        Ella May b. 1872.
260.  William Poole8. son of John7 (Sam’l. S6, Jona.5, John4, John3, Jona.2 John1) b. Yarmouth, N. S., 1806, d. Yarmouth, Sept. 16, 1870.  Resided at Arcadia, N. S. and by occupation a shoe manufacturer.  He m. Jan. 5, 1840 Ruth, dau. of Andrew and Jerusha Gardner, b. Jan. 25, 1821.  Their Children were:-
356.[456]         i.          William L9 b. Feb. 10, 1841
457.     ii.         Harry Gardner9 b. April 24, 1842.
458.     iii.        Sam’l Sheldon9 b. Aug. 27, 1844, d. Jan. 3, 1845.
459.     iv.        Saml. S. 9, b. Oct. 3, 1845, d. 
460.     v.         Thomas S9 b. May 21, 1848.
461.     vi.        Benjamin G, 9, b. Feb. 4, 1850.
462.     vii.       Albert H(arris9?) b. Sept. 4, 1852.
277.  Samuel Hale Poolejr8 son of Sam. H.7 (Jona.6, Eleazer F.5 Jona.4 Jona.3 Jona.2 John1) b. Bristol, Me., May 27, 1810, m. Oct. 18, 1830, Syrena, dau. of George W. and Sally Yates, b. Briston, April 18,

1807, Residence Bristol, Me.; occupation ship rigger. Children:-
463.     i.          Sarah Jane, b. June 7, 1831
464.     ii.         Frances Ellen, b. Sept. 2, 1832, m. 19[??] Samuel T., son of Capt. Thomas and Susan Burns, of Round Pond, Bristol, Me., where they now reside.  He is a mariner by occupation.
280.  Theodore Poole8, son of Sam’l. Hale7 (Jona. 6, Eleazer F.5, Jona.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1) b. Briston, Me. May 4, 1816, m. June 22, 1840.  Maria, dau. of Nehemiah and Ruthy Poland, b. Bristol, Nov. 30, 1818.  By occupation a house and ship builder, and resides at Harrington Neck, a part of Bristol.  Children:-
465.     i.          Martha E9, b. Jan. 2, 1841, m. Oct. 6, 1864, Isaac A., son of Richard and Mary A. Fawcett, b. Bristol, Sept. 10, 1846. By profession a ship master and resides at Pemaquid Falls, Bristol.  Had the following children:-
            (1) Maria Poole Fawcett, b. Sept. 9, 1866
            (2) Gould T., b. Jan 3, 1871.
            (3) Isaac W., B. May 25, 1873.
466.     ii.         Eliza9, b. Feb. 22, 1843, d. 1847, age 4 yrs.
467.     iii.        William Poland9, b. Aug. 27, 1846, m. Ida Fawcett.
468.     iv.        Alvin F9, b. July 12, 1848, m. Jerusha Bearce.
469.     v.         Frederick E9, b. Dec. 12, 1850.

470.     vi.        Lizzie (Elizabeth) E9, b. Sept. 9, 1854.
471.     vii.       John9, b. Jan. 2, 1859.
472.     viii.      Theodore9, b. Oct. 19, 1860.
281.  John Poole8, son of Samuel H.7 (Jona. 6, Eleazer F.5, Jona.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1), b. Bristol, Aug. 8, 1818, m. 1st, 1840 Caroline, dau. of Enoch and Susan (Sprouls) Hatch, by whom he had four children, and who d. 1854, and m. 2d Harriet, dau. of Harriet and Henry Kelsey of Bristol, by whom he had seven, viz. By Caroline
473.     i.          Susan b. 1841, d. 1844.
474.     ii.         Mary Ann b. 184_
475.     iii.        Jennie Bryant, b. 18__
476.     iv.        A son d. young 
and by Harriet –
477.     v.         A son
478.     vi.        Henry b. 18__
479.     vii.       Horace b. 18__
480.     viii.      Florence b. 18__
481,     ix,        A son b. 18__
482.     x.         Ernest Edward b. 18__
483.     xi.        John b. 18__
285.  William Hale Poole8, son of Gen. Jona. 7 (Dr. Jona. 6, Eleazer F.5, Jona.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1), b. Oxford, N. H., July 20, 1811, m. 1st Oct. 10, 1833, Mahala, dau. of Hardy and Lucretia (Clark) Chamberlain, b. Mar. 5, 1809, d. Oct. 2, 1839, and m. 2d, Jan. 1, 1845, Charlotte, dau. of Charles and Charlotte (Dodge) Church, b. Northumberland, April 4, 1814. By occupation an agriculturalist and blacksmith, and resides at Northum-

berland.  Children, 2 by Mahala, viz.
484.     i.          Sylvester Chamberlain9, b. Apr. 6, 1836, m. Elizb. Morse.
485.     ii.         John L. Rix9, b. June 13, 1837, d. June 27, 1839.
                        By Charlotte:-
486.     iii.        John Eames, b. Oct. 5, 1845, m. Aug. 28, 1875 Josis L., dau. of Joseph and Lydia (Rowell) Hinds, b. Stark, N. H. Mar. 17, 1856; by occupation a Blacksmith.  Children (to be heard from).
487.     iv.        Charles Jonathan, b. Nov. 7, 1849, M. Annie M. Carson.
488.     v.         Frank Wellington, b. Feb. 29, 1852; res. Gorham, N. H.’ unm.
489.     vi.        William Dayton, b. May 2, 1857.
            286.     Jonathan Poole8, son of Gen. Jona. 7 (Dr. Jona. 6, Eleazer F.5, Jona.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1), b. Oxford, N. H., Oct. 27, 1812, m. Oct. 31, 1841, Abby Ann, dau. of Rufus K. and Sally (Arnold) Ames, b. New Sharon, Me., March 29, 1822.  Residence Northumberland, and by occupation a blacksmith; their children:-
490.     i.          William Ames9, b. June 12, 1843.
491.     ii.         Benjamin Franklin9, b. Oct. 1, 1846, d. May 27, 1873.
492.     iii.        Rufus Kimball9, b. July 16, 1856.
493.     iv         Addie Maggie9, b. July 14, 1861.
   288.  Samuel Hale Poole8, son of Gen. Jona7

(Dr. Jona. 6, Eleazer F.5, Jona.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1), b. Piermont, N. H., July 30, 1816, m. Nov. 30, 1843, Susan Jane, dau of. Reuben and Mary (Mills) Heath, b. Londonderry, N. H., Feb. 10, 1817.  Resides Surry N. H. a blacksmith: children –
494.     i.          Emma L. b. Haverhill, N. H. Nov. 11, 1844, M. Jan. 28, 1864, Chas. Meland, Carpenter of Surry, 1 ch. ( Charles b. 18__
495.     ii.         Mary E, b, Lowell, Mass. Sept. 9, 1847, m. Sept. 17, 1868, Mason A. Carpenter, children (1) Arthur; (2) Maud; (3) Gertrude.
496.     iii.        Frank A. H., b. Pembroke, N. H., July 10, 1857.
290.     Caleb Hunt Poole8, son of Gen. Jona7 (Dr. Jona. 6, Eleazer F.5, Jona.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1), b. Haverhill, N. H., Feb. 24, 1820, m. March 26, 1846, Philena A., dau. of John and Mary Kimball, b. Rumney, N.H. Jan. 17, 1821.  Resides Haverhill Corner.  Blacksmith. Children:
497.     i.          Helen A., b. Jan. 16, 1847, d. Mar. 4, 1847.
 498.    ii.         Charles Henry, b. Dec. 27, 1847, m. Susan Crosby.
499.     iii.        Emilie A., b. Jan. 18, 1849, m. Sept. 14, 1874, Clarence D., son of Samuel and Ann C. Huston, b. Bristol, Me., Nov. 18, 1844, residence Boston, Mass. no ch.
500.     iv.        Martha G. b. May 5, 1850, m. Oct. 12, 1874 Charles K., son of Michael jr. and Susan Carlton, residing at Haverhill, N. H.; no ch.

            292.     George Poole8, son of Jonathan7 (Jona. 6, Eleazer F.5, Jona.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1), b. Haverhill, N. H., Mar. 6, 1823, m. 1st Mar. 29, 1855, Lucinda L., dau. of James Dennis, b. July 14, 1829. d. May 23, 1856, and m. 2d at Lynn, Mass. Oct. 2, 1857, Cynthia, dau. of Enoch F., and Almira Cleasby, b. Hookset, H. H. Dec. 25, 1837. At the time of his 2d marriage, he was a resident of Stafford N. H., but since has lived at Guildhall, Vermont, and engaged in the manufacture of shoes.  By his first wife Lucinda, he had but one child.
501.     i.          George William, b. Mar. 7, 1856, and by Cynthia, his 2d
502.     ii.         Edward Farnham, b. Dec. 20, 1865, d. Aug. 12, 1866.
503.     iii.        Edwin Martin, b. Feb. 7, 1867.
504.     iv.        Ida Carlisle, b. Dec. 12, 1868.
505.     v.         Harriet Agnes, b. Oct. 28, 1871.
506.     vi.        Walter Farnham, b. June 5, 1874.
293.  Hiram Hale8, son of Jonathan7 (Jona. 6, Eleazer F.5, Jona.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1), b. Haverhill, N. H., Jan. 29, 1826, d. Lynn, Mass., Mar. 21, 1866, of disease contracted while in the Union Army, where he served nearly 4 years, and was discharged by reason of disability and mustered out of service July 8, 1864, as a member of Company I, 12th Mass. Infantry. He m. 1st

He m. 1st 1849, Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Eunice Emerson, of Lynn, by whom he had one ch. And m. 2d, Dec. 25, 1852, Mary Jane, dau. of Kimball and Charlotte Tyler, b. Wentworth, N. H., June 25, 1835, by whom he had two children.  After his death she m. 2d, Oct. 22, 1868, Sylvanus S., son of Samuel and Lucy Hovey, b. July 12, 1822.  She died in Lynn, Mar. 27, 1874.  By Sarah Emerson he had,
507.     i.          Ella W., b. Haverhill, N. H., Nov. 6, 1850, m. Sept. 21, 1871 Jas. Clarence Tibbetts, son of James and Rebecca Tibbetts, b. Lynn, Mar. 14, by occupation a shoemaker and had (1) Ernest Clarence Tibbetts, b. June 22, 1873, (2) Walter Irving, b. Sept. 1, 1874 By Mary Tyler he had:-
508.     ii.         Frederick Hovey, b. Boston, Oct. 21, 1857, residence Lynn.
306.  William Decatur Poole8, son of James7 (James6, John5, Timothy4, John3, Jona.2 John1) b. July 14, 1846, m. May 4, 1858, Abby Frances, dau. of Sewall and Caroline Raddin, b. Sept. 10, 1839.  A member of the firm of P. Lenox & Co., manufacturers and resides at Lynn.  Is noted for public spirit, and held prominent positions in Masonic and social and business organizations.  He was a member of the executive committee of the Morocco Manufacturers National Exchange, which in Feb. 1878 visited Washington, and before the members of the Committee of Ways and Means remonstrated against the imposition of any duty upon importations of the raw material used in their manufactures.  The proposed duty

provided for in the Wood Tariff Bill then under discussion was stricken out upon their representations, but the duty on manufactured morocco imported, proposed to be reduced, they consented to have imposed, if their recommendation as to duties on manufactured stock be adopted.  The bill in question, however, failed to become a law.
509.     i.          Ella Frances, b. Lynn, Sept. 10, 1860.
510.     ii.         Caroline Raddin, b. July 13, 1869.
511.     iii.        Lena Fritz, b. Feb. 5, 1872.
307.  James Symonds Poole8, son of James7 (James6, John5, Timothy4, John3, Jona.2 John1) b. Jan. 12, 1838, m. April 28, 1861.  Susan E., dau. of Daniel and Mary Ann Caldwell, b. Ipswich, Sept. 26, 1841.  By occupation a builder and Mason.  Their children:-
512.     i.          Emma Addie, b. Lynn, Nov. 4, 1862.
513.     ii.         James Caldwell, b. March 27, 1870.
323.  George C.(lark?) Poole8, son of Stephen D. 7 (James6, John5, Timothy4, John3, Jona.2 John1) b. Mar. 21, 1843, m. Nov. 1864, Harriet, dau. of     Sherman of    Is a builder and a mason, and resides in Lynn.  Child:
514.     i.          Florence Louise, b. Lynn, Dec. 23, 1865.
330.  Albert Wellstead Poole8, son of James7 (James6, William5, Benjamin4, Jona3, Jona.2 John1) b. Portland, Me.   1812, d. Portland, 1865.  Merchant, m. E. Feliciana, La. Maria Rachel, dau. of     Dunn, Esq. b. S. C. 1806.  Their ch:
515.     i.          A son.
516.     ii.         A son.

517.     iii.        Howard Malcolm Poole, b. E. Feliciana Jan. 17, 1840, m. Jane D. Carrington.
333.  Edward Richardson Poole8, son of James7 (James6, Wm5, Benj.4, Jona3, Jona.2 John1) b. Portland, Me. Mar. 3, 1820; m. Charleston, S. C., Nov. 9, 1843 Victoria Brailsford Gibbs, dau. of      Gibbs, Esq., of that place of a family allied by blood to some of the most famous names in the social and political history of South Carolina.  He is a commission merchant of New Orleans, where for many years he has been engaged in business.  At the breaking out of the late Civil War he entered the confederate service, and at its close resumed his former occupation.  During the troubles arising out of the reconstruction acts and the claims of the rival governments of Louisiana, he was selected by his fellow citizens to fill important trusts, and when the crisis was passed, he was highly complimented by the press and citizens, and his course commended by the judicial authorities.
            By his wife Victoria, who d. New Orleans, Nov. 17, 1861, he had the following children:
518.     i.          Edward Richardson b. Charleston, S. C. 1844, d. young.
519.     ii.         Victoria Ann Gibbes, b. Charleston, Sept. 6, 1848(?) m.
                        N. O. Dec. 31, 1863, Stephen J. Hill of New York, merchant.
520.     iii.        Edward Middleton, b. Charleston, 1846, d. in infancy.

521.     iv.        Arthur Monroe b. New Orleans, Mar. 11, 1850 m. Hermitage, Miss. April 30, 1874.
            350.     James Van Buren Poole8, son of Benj. Fletcher7 (Benj.6, Wm5, Benj.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1) b. Hollis, N. H., Feb. 28, 1829.  Removed to Boston, and engaged in the produce and provision business.  He m. 1st June 12, 1860, Mary Corey of Mendon, Mass. b. 1833, d. 1864 and m. 2d Feb. 28, 1866, Sarah Burton, dau. of Rowland Wetherbee b. Meadville, Pa. Mar. 27, 1840  By his 1st wife Mary he had:
            523.     i.          William Frederick b. July 23, 1863.
and by his 2d wife Sarah he had –
524.     ii.         Emily Isabella, b. Jan. 23, 1869.
525.     iii.        Caroline Nicholson, b. Mar. 15, 1870.
526.     iv.        Susan Proctor, b. twin with above.
351.  William Fletcher Poole8, son of Benj. Fletcher7 (Benj.6, Wm.5, Benj.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1) b. Hollis, N. H. May 11, 1830.  Engaged in the provisioning business in Boston.  He m. May 14, 1860, Sylvia Ann, dau. of Cregs and Roxaline Terry, b. Boston Sept. 27, 1835 and had –
527.     i.          George Baldwin, b. Boston, Feb. 5, 1868.
528.     ii.         Grace Terry, b. Boston Nov. 22, 1872.
529.     iii.        Benjamin Fletcher, b. Boston Nov. 5, 1874.
375.  Charles Hubbard Poole8, son of George7 (Thos.6, Thos.5, Saml.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1) b. N, Woburn, Dec. 12, 1834, where he continues to reside.  He m. Bethel, Me. Oct. 25, 1857, Admah Dennett, dau. of

John and Mehitable Edgecomb, b. Saco, Me., March 31, 1836.  Is engaged in the shoe business:  Children:
530.     i.          Inez Clarissa b. July 26, 1859.
531.     ii.         Mary Frances b. May 29, 1862.
532.     iii.        Charles Hubbard, b. Mar. 31, 1867.
            378.     Charles H. 
            382.     Rufus G.8, son of Rufus7 (Thos.6, Thos.5, Saml.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1) b. N. Woburn, Feb. 23, 1839, where he now lives. He m. Aug. 22, 1862, Marion G. dau. of John and Susan Lindsay, b Glasgow, Scotland, Jan. 11, 1840.
533.     i.          Eugene Warren b Mar. 19, 1866.
534.     ii.         George E   b. Mar 12, 1869.
535.     iii.        Walter L.   b Jan. 9, 1874.
385.  Joshua Hall Poole8, son of Ward7 (Ward.6, Wm.5, Zachr.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1) b. Salem now Peabody Mass., Oct. 15, 1819, d. Salem, Mass. April 4, 1877.  Was a manufacturer of morocco at Peabody where he conducted a large factory situated on Pierpont St. near his residence.  He was courteous and agreeable in manner, friendly and tranquil in demeanor and temperament, and highly intelligent in all business affairs. He was possessed of histrionic tastes and had in that line considerable talent, which if cultivated might have made him prominent.  He. M. Jan. 25, 1854, Nancy Hough Bulkley dau. of Saml. And Eliza P. Bulkley of Gloucester, b. Sept. 3, 1820.  Their children were :-
            536.     i.          Walter Hough b. Oct. 11. 1855, d. Mar. 10, 1892.
            537.     ii.         Frederick Ward b Dec. 3, 1857, d Sept. 5, 1859.

            538.     iii.        Florence Eliza b Aug. 4, 1860 d. Nov. 1881.
            539.     iv         Mary Hall, b Mar. 31, 1863.
            540.     v.         Annie Ward b Sept. 3, 1866.
386.     William Frederick Poole8 son of Ward7 jr. (Ward6, Wm.5, Zach.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1) b Salem, now Peabody, Dec. 21, 1821.  Was graduated at Yale College, 1849, where, being librarian of one of the College Secret Societies (Brothers in Unity) he formed the plan of compiling an index of subjects in periodical literature, which was afterwards published by Geo. Putnam of New York, bringing the date of it up to 1853, a work considered by scholars indispensable in the examinations of subjects literary of scientific.  After leaving college he was appointed assistant librarian of the B. Atheneum and in 1852 was chosen librarian of the Mercantile Library Boston, and afterwards in 1856 took a similar position in the Library of the Boston Athenium, which he held till 1869 when he resigned and was engaged the remainder of the year in organizing as many as six libraries, comprising the Bronson of Waterbury, Connecticut, the Naval Academy at Indianapolis, Newton, Mass., Easthampton of do. And Atheneum of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, when he attempted the charge of the Cincinnati Public Library, after placing which in running order and having the care of it for four years he was offered a like position in the new Chicago Library, reorganized after the disastrous fire of 1872. The arduous labors of this office he continued to perform for three years, during which time he was a frequent contributor to several

leading periodicals, publishing articles on several interesting historic subjects.  He was a delegate to the American Library Convention to Philadelphia in 1876, where he presented and read valuable papers relating to the subject of libraries, and visited London in 1877 as a delegate to and a vice president of International Conference of librarians, in whose deliberations he took a distinguished part.
            He was author of the following publications:-
            Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft, Boston 1869, 80 63pp; Ordinance of 1787, and Manasseh Cutler as an agent in its formation.  Boston 1876.  80.  Index to Periodical Literature.  1848, 2d edition – 1853 3d edition – 1882
The Battle of the Dictionaries (of Webster and Worcester) 1856.
Websterian Orthography, a Reply to Do. Noah Webster’s Caluminators 1857.
The orthographical Hobgoblin 1859.
The Popham Colony; its Historical Claims. 1857.
Anti-Slavery opinions before 1800 – 1872.
Organization and Management of Public Libraries. 1877.
Introduction to “Johnson’s Wonder Working Providence” in a reprint of that rare and curious history of New England first published in London in 1654.
            He was a frequent writer on historical and literary subjects for the leading newspapers, many of his articled appearing in the North American News, New York

Tribune, the Boston Daily Advertiser, Boston Transcript, Cincinnati Commercial, Chicago Tribune and papers of like standing.  His severe criticism of “Bancroft’s History of the United States” printed in Chicago, attracted considerable attention both in this country and abroad.  His “Index to Periodical Literature”, is, however, a work of such great and enduring value, that, notwithstanding its republication in new Editions. Greatly enlarged, and kept up by the untied labors of so many talented and industrious literary experts, in such sort that every successive reprint enormously increased its permanent worth, it must always remain a monument of the laborious research and untiring energy of its first projector.
            While yet in college he commenced that course of literary labor which formed into a habit, he continued through life, and maintained while there a rank in scholarship which secured him an election among the first to the Phi Beta Kappa society of Yale College.
            His earlier years having been occupied with alternate school attendance and manual labor on farm, in workshop, and in mercantile pursuits, the value of painstaking industry was duly impressed upon his mind, and the variety of his employments in youth gave him an experience in the practical affairs of life which his subsequent career shows was not bestowed upon him in vain.
            He was m. in Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1854 to Fanny M. dau. of Dr. Ezra W. Gleason, late of Boston. D. at Evanston, Ill., March 1, 1894.

            Their children were:-
541.     i.          Alice, b Boston, Sept. 17, 1855.
542.     ii.         Helen b.           twin with above d. 1856.
543.     iii.        Anna               Sept. 22, 1857 m. C. Clarence Poole.
544.     iv.        Mary                April, 7, 1859.
545.     v.         Fanny              Jan. 17, 1862 d. Aug. 8, 1864.
546.     vi.        Eliza                Dec. 18, 1865, d. Sept 23, 1871.
547.     vii.       William Frederick, jr. Jan. 14, 1868.
387.  Henry Ward Poole8, son of Ward jr. 7 (Ward6, Wm.5, Zach.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1) b. Salem, since South Danvers (by change of town boundary) now Peabody, Mass., Sept. 13, 1825.  M. A Yale, 1874; member Am. Association for Adv. Of Science and Am. Oriental Society.  In 1849 was inventor and patentee of the Euharmonic Oragn (giving perfect fifths, thirds and sevenths, ratios 2:3; 4:5. and 4:7) the keyboard being the common one, and the changes made by pedals, one of which puts the organ in tune for its own key, and takes off the action of any other pedal which may be down.  This organ, with five sets of pipes, or stops, gained the supreme prize gold medal at the fair of the Charitable Mechanic Association at Boston in 1850, and has since been approved and commended by the scientific authorities in various countries in Europe.  It is described in Silliman’t Amenian Journal of Science for March, 1850.  One of these organs was for 12 years in the use at the Indiana place Church in Boston, until the edifice was sold.  In 1867

He invented an improved keyboard for the Euharmonic organ, by which its just tones could all be represented by digitals and by a very ingenious arrangement, all could be conveniently played, the fingering remaining the same in every key.  This is described by him in Silliman’s Journal for July, 1867.  In theory, is due to Prof. Poole the practical demonstration to the ear and reason that the Septimal Harmony from the prime number seven in all its combinations, is by no means a discord, as it is improperly called, but is that which is heard in the “chord of the Seventh” and to the trained ear is both proper and agreeable, and the simplification of the musical theory and notation of the basis of justice and not of temperament.
            In his profession of Engineer, he was employed in the Geological survey of Pennsylvania till its completion in 1854, when establishing himself at Pottersville he constructed a large portion of the Engineering work relating to that centre of anthracite coal mining, and was employed as a consulting engineer, as well as in special constructions involving geological and mining questions, and in the management of mining estates.  He was also in charge of the Girard coal lands as engineer of the City of Philadelphia.  Appointed Chief Engineer of the American Exploring Expedition he went to Mexico in 1857, and explored the vicinity of the Pacific Coast, and made the first general survey for the railroad between Vera Cruz and the Capital.  He assisted Dr. Aug. Sountag in his survey and ascent to the crater of Popocatapetl, a per-

ilous undertaking.  In 1882, by public competition he ontained the professorship of languages in the “Colegio National de Mineria” in the City of Mexico, the chief institution of learning at that capital.  This chair he held till the advance of the French invaders in 1863 when the National government retired to the interior.  Not being a Roman Catholic or an Imperialist he sustained the national and American cause both in Mexico and this country by vigorous appeals with his pen, until the fall of Maximillan, when he resumed his professorship in the newly extended and organized National College which he continues to hold.
            He had been noted for many years as an enthusiastic antiquary and collector, and valuable library of rare works in no less than seventy languages was offered for sale by him in Boston in 1871, together with several fine and valuable painting, prescious stones, coins and curiosities gathered in Mexico during the suppression of the convents in 1861.
            The list of works published by him, as given as Allibone is as follows:-
            Essay on Perfect Intonation and the Euharmonic Organ, New Haven, 1850 8o.
Report of Surveys in Mexico in 1856-7. As Engineer of Mexican Pacific Company, with Map.
Mathematical Papers in Math. Monthly, Albany.
390.  George Sanger Poole8, son of Ward7, jr. (Ward6, Wm.5, Zach.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1) b. Worcester,

Mass., July 28, 1839.  Was educated at the High School in South Danvers in 1856, entered the office of his brother Prof. Poole at Pottsville, Pa., where he remained until the return of the latter from Mexico, when he entered (1858) Phillip’s Academy, Andover, from which he was appointed Librarian of the Public Library at Charlestown, Mass., having already served a brief apprenticeship at the Peabody Library in South Danvers, and served in that capacity until 1863, when he was appointed Assistant in the Library of Congress.  In the autumn of 1865 he resigned to accept the position of Secretary of the Warren Institution of Savings at Charlestown, Mass., at date of writing he continues to hold.  He m. at Peabody, Mass, Nov. 13, 1871, Sarah Poor Osborn, b. May 5, 1850, daughter of Franklin and Nancy P. (Jacobs) Osborn of that place.  Their children:-
            548.     i.          Franklin Osborn b. Charlestown, Mass. Sept. 3, 1872.
            549.     ii.         George Ward b.          “                      “  Sept. 26, 1876, d. Oct. 9, 1879.
                        iii.        Edith Wilder. B. Charlestown, Mass. Mar. 2, 1881.
                        iv.        Irving b. Somerville, Mass. Apr. 15, 1890
395.  Theodore Poole8, son of Fitch7, (Fitch6, Wm.5, Zach.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1) b. July 14, 1832, d. Jan. 23, 1858, m. Tarnworth, N. H. Jan. 17, 1851 Maria E. Boyden of Ossipee, N. H. b. Aug. 3, 1832. He was by occupation a manufacturer and merchant.  Their ch:
            550.     i.          Alfred9 b. South Danvers, now Peabody,

                        Apr. 10, 1852. m. Anne Noah (2 ch. D. young).
            551.     ii.         Georgianna9, b. Apr. 17, 1857 d. Apr. 22, 1858.
397.  Horace Poole7 son of Fitch7, (Fitch6, Wm.5, Zach.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1) b. Dec. 1836.  Was educated for the mercantile profession, and in the year 1855 made a voyage from New York to China in the ship N. B. Palmer, sailing Aug. 27, and arriving at Hong Kong, Dec. 24, of that year.  [Diary of this voyage: Hong Kong Voyage 1855 ] After visiting Whampoa, Canton and Shanghai, he left the latter port March 18, 1856 for New York, arriving June 29. In Sept. of that year he went to Milwaukee, Wis., thence to Dubuque, Ia., Sept. 1858 where he engaged in business and continued until breading out of the war of the rebellion, when he enlisted as a private soldier in the 1st Iowa Infantry and served until August 1851, under the command of General Byon [Lyon] in the Southwestern part of Missouri.  [Diary of this time: Civil war diary 1861] Was engaged in the minor skirmishes of Forsyth, Dug Springs and White Store, and in the battle of Wilson’s Creek where he narrowly escaped, Gen. Lyon falling very near him in that bloody conflict.  After a successful retreat to Rolla, distant one hundred and twenty miles, he proceeded with his regiment to St. Louis, and was mustered out of service having served over a month beyond the term of enlistment. In July 1862, he was appointed and commissioned by Governor Kirkwood, as Adjutant of the Iowa Twenty-first regiment and was ordered into the field with Headquarters at Salem, Missouri,

where, after serving as post adjutant till the arrival of the commanding General, Fitz Henry Warren, he was appointed aid-de-camp upon the staff of that officer.  He served in that capacity until Gen. Warren was ordered to another Department, where he rejoined his company and regiment at Vicksburg, July 1863.  Thence with his regiment, he proceeded to New Orleans and was ordered to duty at Headquarters on the staff of Major Gen. Banks as acting Adjutant General.  He commanded the headquarters train in the Red River Expedition under that general and was with the Army in the Texas and Louisiana campaign.  He participated in the actions of April 8, 1864, at Sabine Cross Roads and April 9 at Pleasant Hill.  He was appointed by President Lincoln as Ass’t. Adjutant General in the Army with the rank of Capt. And confirmed by the Senate Feb. 29, 1864, and ordered in April to report to his old commander, Gen’l Warren, then at Baton Rouge, La.  After a service of twelve months ending in April, 1865, at their headquarters, he was ordered to report to Maj. Gen. Thomas, commanding the department of Cumberland, by whom he was assigned to duty by Genl. Brannan, Chief of Artillery, Army of the Cumberland with whom he served till the close of the War, and was mustered out of service June 26, 1865.
            On his return to Dubuque he established himself in the commission and Wholesale grocery business, becoming head of the firm of Poole, Gilliam and Co. and doing a large and flourishing business, with extensive connections through the country.

He married Sept. 27, 1864 at Dubuque, Ia. Francis F Langworthy, son of Solon Langworthy and Julia (Patterson) of that place and had:-
552.     i.          Clark Langworthy Poole b. July 12, 1866.
552-a  ii.          Horace Poole, b Feb. 3 1879.
399.  Arthur Fitch Poole, son of Fitch, Jr.7 (Fitch6, Wm.5, Zach.4, Jona.3, Jona.2, John1)  b. South Danvers, Sept. 24, 1844.  Was clerk in drug store at the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion, and enlisted as private in the 14th Mass. Infantry, which became afterwards the 1st Mass. Heavy Artillery and was stationed at the defences of Washington..  He was detailed as Hospital Steward with his regiment, and then received the appointment of Hospital Steward in the regular Army.  He was thereafter detailed as Corresponding Clerk in the office of the Surgeon General of the Army, which he held until mustered out of service at the termination of the war.  He was employed soon after as book-keeper for the firm of Burrage Brothers & Co. wholesale woolen Merchants in Boston, and served until January 1876 when he was admitted as partner in the firm of Burrage, Cole & Co.  He continued to reside at the old homestead in Peabody formerly S. Danvers in the house built in 1757 by his great grandfather William, He m. May 10 1866, Martha, Dau. Of Larkin and Mary (Groce) West, b. Beverly, Mass. Sept. 4 1845: Their ch.
553.     i.          Mary Elizabeth Poole b. Oct. 20, 1866.

            400.     Edmund Alden Poole, son of Fitch7, jr.

(Fitch6, Wm.5, Zach.4, Jona.3, Jona.2, John1)  b. June 21, 1849.  Was educated at the Boston Commercial College and became an accomplished penman, and after some experience as Clerk in the office of Registry of Deeds of Essex County at Salem, was appointed by selection through a competitive examination to a responsible position in the office of China Mutual Insurance Company of Boston where for many years he has been employed.
            He m. Feb. 3, 1870, Laura, dau. Of John and Laura Anna (Massey) Mackintosh of Salem, b. April 2, 1848.
They had:-
            554.     i.          Francis Alden b. Oct. 25,1870.
            555.     ii.         George Benson,  b. June 30, 1873.
            566.     iii.        Laura Richardson b. Sept. 5 1877.

405.     George Edward Poole, son of Edward7  (Fitch6, Wm.5, Zach.4, Jona.3, Jona.2, John1)  b. Keene, N. H. Sept. 10, 1840.  An ingenious mechanist and industrious collector of rare and curious specimens of woods and ligneous manufacture.  He is engaged in fabrication articles of household decoration in which carving, turning and other ornamental features are introduced, and has been employed for several years by a large manufacturing Company in his native town.  He m. Jan. 29, 1862, Harriet Jane, dau. Of Andrew Sherman, b. Sept. 5, 1840.  Their children:-
557.     i.          Jennie Maria9, b. Keene, H.H. Nov. 28, 1862, d, July 13, 1865.
558.     ii.         Alice Elvira9 b. Apr. 20, 1866.

559.     iii.        Mary Edith9, b. Feb. 12, 1868.
560.     iv.        Grace Elizabeth9, b. July 24, 1872.
            411.     Leonard Hill Poole9, son of Leonard8 & Lydia Earle (Luke7, Jona6, Jona.5, John4, John3, Jona.2, John1) b. Worcester, May 12, 1829.
            413.     John Earle Poole9, son of Samuel8 (Luke7, Jona6, Jona.5, John4, John3, Jona.2, John1) b. Worcester Mar. 4, 1833, d. East Boston Aug. 30, 1872.
            418.     Frederic Poole9, son of Leonard8 (Luke7 &c John1) b. July 19, 1847.
            427.     Francis Albert Poole9 son of Charles8 (Luke7, Jona6, Jona.5, John4, John3, Jona.2, John1) b. Charlestown, Mass., Mar 8, 1848, where he resides. He m. Feb. 8, 1871, Florence Adelaide, dau. of Richard and Matilda (Fletcher) Heath of Newburyport, b. Feb. 8, 1848.  Their ch.
561.     i.          Charles William10 b. Aug. 1, 1871, d. Sept. 10, 1871.
562.     ii.         Edith Florence b. Aug. 1, 1871 (twin)
 436.    Henry Bigelow Poole.
 437.    Charles Temple Poole.
 441.    James Hobson Poole9 son of Albert Harris8.
487.     Charles Jonathan Poole9 son of Wm. Hale8 (Gen. Jona.7 Dr. Jona.Eleazer Flagg5, Jona.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 John1) b. Northumberland, N. H. Nov. 7, 1849; m. 1875 Annie M., dau. of John and Sarah Ann (Dinsmore) Carson of North Conway, N. H. b. Sept. 10, 1850.  Is station agent in North Conway for the Eastern Railroad Company.
Charles Edward10 b. N. Conway N. H. Nov. 7, 1875.
