My six-generation genealogy for Stephen will open to a Google doc in pdf format.

The vital records from which I obtained my birth, marriage and death records are in the six volume set for Salem, Massachusetts, sometimes known as the tan books. Although if you look at the picture at the left, taken at my local library, you can see that many are now being rebound in orange.
Last week, I posted a cemetery stone photo of my first Steven Daniel, who died February 14, 1686/87. This coming Tuesday there will be another cemetery stone photo for my 6th Steven Daniels. I know where three others are buried, because of records, but haven't been able to locate their stones. And for one, I have no idea where he is buried.
From Google books, I'm displaying a page from one of the Vital Record books for Salem, showing several Stephen Daniel names spelled various ways, such as Steephen, and Daniell and Daniels.
Another great online source, The History of Salem, Massachusetts by Sidney Perley has a nice genealogy. Images below.