My grandfather at age 80 wrote in his memoir, "The Lowrey family being on my father's mother's side (Laura Lowrey Bishop has held an annual reunion regularly for 94 years, (1970).) The early meetings were held in Bristol, Simsbury and Forestville, but the family became so unwieldly to be entertained in private homes. In later years they have been held at the American Legion house at Whigville. For as long as I can remember Truman Weed took the photo of the group each year and sent a copy to each family. The reunion for the 1909 reunion was held at our house at 236 Grand Ave. There were only forty attending as the distance seemed a little too far when only trolley car transportation was to be had."
Upon reading the below article, I contacted the society and asked permission to post the notice to my blog.
Dissolution of the Thomas and Mary Lowrey
Family Reunion
The Descendants of Thomas and Mary Lowrey who immigrated to the colonies and settled in Plainville, Connecticut had met in reunion for over 100 years. By 2016 the group had been non-functional for over 10 years. The undersigned persons worked to the settlement and dissolution of the group. The $2,343 in the treasury was divided equally between the Connecticut Historical Society and the Connecticut Society of Genealogists, Inc. Papers that were in the possession of Steven Lowrey and Janet Atkins have been deposited in the Connecticut State Library Archives. They will be added to previously donated papers. These items, when cataloged, will be listed under the Lowrey Family in the Archives section on the state library webpage: ctstatelibrary.org. If you have items relative to the family you may contact the Connecticut State Archives office located in the Connecticut State Library building, 231 Capitol Ave., Hartford, CT 06106, regarding adding them to the current collection. In particular, there are very few of the family reunion pictures which were taken each year in this collection. This would be a wonderful place to protect them. If you are able to identify individuals, that would be helpful, also, the location and year.
This decision was made after a great deal of deliberation and with a great deal of regret. We can be very proud of the heritage of the Lowrey Family and family members’ impact in the many communities in which they call home throughout the United States, and most likely the world. We would appreciate that those who read this notice would please let members of their family know of the demise of this group. This notice will be sent to the Connecticut Historical Society, the Connecticut Society of Genealogists, Inc. and the New England Historic
Genealogical Society. The Plainville Library, Burlington Library and the Bristol Library will also be contacted. If you are actively researching the family, it would be helpful if you could post this information on internet bulletin boards,
etc. as you do your work.
To every thing there is a purpose under the heaven...
-King James Version of the Holy Bible
Steven Lowrey, President;
Janet Gaylord Atkins, Treasurer;
Susan Taylor, Member in Good Standing
April 2016