April 8, 2018.
The Vision; 2 above and 3 below
All photos were taken May 5, 2018.
Photo was taken October 12, 2015.
Two views of where the bridge will go.

December 14, 2018. Above and 2 below.
Above and below, February 8, 2019.
January 30, 2020. Two above and below.
Even though the bridge was in place, the street, sidewalks and parking garage had to be constructed. And, the apartments on top and at the side of the bridge.
Before the Apartments were built.
April 3, 2021. Above and below.
Canal Street. April 4, 2021.
The 87' bridge opened to pedestrians and cars on Friday, January 14, 2022.
It is over the Pawtucket Canal. This road takes you to Dutton St. and Broadway St. both straight ahead. I took these photos on January 16, 2022.
Facing Dutton Street from the walkway.
New apartments to the left.
Nice wide walkway on both sides.
On the sidewalk, with garage to the right.
Opposite direction, going on to Canal St. then to either Jackson St., Middlesex St. or Thorndyke Streets.
To read more about the bridge, see the Lowell Sun article below.lowellsun.com/2022/01/14/signature-bridge-in-hamilton-canal-innovation-district-opens/?utm_email=242224B1C5A2E4824481550285&g2i_eui=ucXmttZbxCMhnsGoEhpWGMANsS%2f4VBNX&g2i_source=newsletter&lctg=%c2%a024222