Taken in the fall of 2014, before any construction.
December 26, 2014, road work already begun, photo taken from Mill #5 window.
Taken January 11, 2015, from Mill #5 window.
Taken Oct. 26, 2015. The trees are doing well. Fences up and road work has begun.
Taken December 12, 2015. At this point, we are able to walk around and try to figure out what it's all going to look like in the future.
View of Jackson Street, taken on January 24, 2016.
These three above were taken on September 22, 2016. Dedication with top officials including Gov. Baker. These were taken just before the event.
Taken February 22, 2017.
Taken April 11, 2017, from the Durkin's parking lot.
The photo was taken on July 18, 2017.
Always looking up.
The photo was taken on Oct. 21, 2017.
The photo was taken on Nov 15, 2017.
The photo was taken on Nov. 21, 2017.
Taken April 8, 2018, from a window in Mill #5. (Above and below.)
Taken April 8, 2018.
The above and below were taken May 5, 2018.
Taken November 8, 2018
Taken May 22, 2019.
The above and 2 below were taken on October 25, 2020.
These were taken on April 4, 2021.
Now the Justice Center is completed, but work began changing the Lord Overpass. This is Middlesex Street looking towards the downtown.
NOTE: I have not taken a final picture. There is now construction in front of the building, and I want to take a shot of the newly planted grass, plants, and trees. have the Lord Overpass completed and a view from Mill #5. More than anything, I want to get inside as a visitor.
The above photo was taken on Aug 28, 2017. Below was taken June 24, 2019.
I wish I had the date.
Below information is from: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/new-lowell-justice-center
New Lowell Justice Center
The new Lowell Justice Center, sited in the historic Hamilton Canal District of downtown Lowell, will provide state-of-the-art facilities for the Superior, District, Probate & Family, Juvenile, and Housing Courts of Middlesex County, Massachusetts.
This building will provide new space for the Middlesex County Registry of Deeds, District Attorney, and a robust resource center for self-represented litigants.
Project Details

Contractor: Dimeo Construction Company
Study and Project Designer: Finegold Alexander Architects
Project Type: CM at Risk
Gross Square Feet: 263,000
Estimated Project Cost: $184,900,000
Est. Substantial Completion Date: February 2020
Proect Features
- 3.3 acre site, parking for executive level staff only (Parking garage 1 block away)
- 7 Floors, 17 courtrooms, shared transaction counters
- LEED Platinum goal
- Lowell is a Gateway City