Newbury Town Library
0 Lunt Street
Byfield, Massachusetts
The Library looks very much like a school, but I've seen pictures from another angle it looks just beautiful. I'll have to go back for better pictures.
Facing the reception / reference desk.
Nice display area.
This is another rather new library, large and lots of light.
The Local History and Genealogy room was easy to spot. I was surprised the room was open, but not surprised to see just about everything locked up. Since I wasn't doing research, I didn't ask anybody to open a cabinet. However, I found a few good things on my own.
Below the sign-in book, is a map cabinet. It was unlocked, and I found the items, shown below.
This was a large handmade book.
The 1872 atlas of Essex County was in rough shape.

I opened this unlocked drawer in a nearby file cabinet.
I opened this unlocked drawer in a nearby file cabinet.
Although I couldn't find any genealogy information from their website, I did go to the Newbury Historical Commission and found a wealth of useful links, both for local history and genealogy. Once on the website, select the Resources for Research tab, and choose which one you want. Both the local history and genealogy sections have a lot of on-line books.
Nice sitting area.
The Children's Room.
Byfield is not a town, but a section of Newbury.
Not a good picture, almost impossible to take since it's almost touching the ceiling.
Another view of the Library.
This house was across the street from the Library. So quaint, I think.