I last found him in the 1900 census in Harmon, Roberts, South Dakota, then the trail ran cold. That was until I searched for Will Scramlin in FamilySearch.org. Their were seven hits for William Scramlin, so it didn't take long to go through the file, but one, the Saskatchewan, Probate Estate Files, 1887-1931 Weyburn 1918 had 32 pages of legal documents, including the will and probate records for him! Apparently, he and his family were living in Weyburn, Saskatchewan, Canada. It was pure luck that these documents were scanned and put online, I would never have found them, and why would I ever think Saskatchewan.
A few days later, while still researching him, more information came to light, when I used Google News and found the newspaper, The MorningLeader - Jan 28, 1918. The headline was HALBRITE MAN FOUND FROZEN AT
I, Will Scramlin, of the
Sound and disposing mind
and memory, do hereby revoke
All former Wills or
testamentary dispositions by me at
Any time heretofore made;
and do make, publish and de-
clare this as my last Will
and Testament.
1st. I hereby
nominate and appoint my wife, Kate
Scramlin, the Executrix of
this my last will.
2nd. I direct
that all my just debts, funeral and
Testamentary expenses be
3rd. I give,
devise and bequeath all my real and per-
Sonal estate which I may
now or hereafter be possessed
Of or interested in to my
wife, Kate Scramlin, absolutely.
hereunto set my hand, this
12th day of
November in the year of our Lord, One thousand
Nine hundred and fourteen.
SIGNED by the Testator, as
and for
His Last Will and
Testament, in the
Presence of us, both
present at the Will Scramlin
Same time, who, at his
request and
In his presence, have
hereunto sub-
scribed our names as
T. A. Oakley
of Halbrite , Sask.
J. A. Kjeldson
of Halbrite , Sask.
Minn. Jan. 26.—The
The Morning
Leader - Jan 28, 191 8 (page 10)
Was Well Known in Weyburn
District and Good
Body of William Scramlin, said to be
a wealthy land man of Weyburn ,
Sask. ,
was found frozen stiff near the city
hall today. His skull was fractured
and his face smeared with blood
Whether he was struck by some one
or fell against the
building on the icy
Sidewalk the police have been unable
To determine.
Scramlin and his wife came here
Thursday night to visit relatives and
bid farewell to their son who enlisted
In the aviation service. Scramlin was
Fifty years old. A wife and four chil-
dren survive.