1825 Canada Census (free)
1831 Canada Census (free)
Canadian free census for 1851, 1901, 1906, 1911
NEW: August 24/2018
NEW: August 24/2018
The next 5 links are my favorite sites for information.
http://quebecroots.weebly.com/ (New site for Marlene Simmons) The first site I used in 1999 and ordered 40 abstracts from Marlene. She was great to work with, and I highly recommend her services.
Cemeteries of Quebec
Cemeteries of Quebec
http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~qceastwn/archives.html **A great site for the Eastern Townships. (The below census extracts are from this site.)
Census Extracts:
Some of these pages require that your browser accept Java script and permit pop up windows. If you find that the page does not seem to display properly, check your browser settings. Each census transcription is accessed from its index.
Bolton 1825 Census - extracted & submitted by Elaine Morris, Sept 1999.
Potton 1825 Census - extracted & submitted by Elaine Morris, Sept 1999.
1825 Ascot Census - in PDF format - based on Jay Mack Holbrook's 1976 paper found in LDS' Salt Lake City Library, w/ corrections made by the submitter, Mat Ardron (Nov 2000).
1825 Census for Bedford District, Quebec. This indexed transcription has Stanbridge, St George, St Thomas, St Armand, Dunham, Sutton, Potton, Brome and Farnham. Contributed by David J. Ellis, updated Feb 2009.
1830 Census for Foucault, Noyan, and Sabrevois, Quebec. This is NOT the the 1831 provincial census, but rather another, taken between Nov and Dec of 1830. Further description included within. Contributed by David J. Ellis, updated Feb 2009.
1831 Census for Missisquoi Co, Quebec. This indexed transcription has Seigneurie de St. Armand, Sutton, Stanbridge and Dunham. Contributed by David J. Ellis, updated Feb 2009.
1831 Census for Rouville Co, Quebec. This indexed transcription has Seigneurie de Noyan, Seigneurie de Foucault, and Seigneurie de Sabrevois. Contributed by David J. Ellis, added Feb 2009.
A Cross Reference Between 1825, 1830 and 1831. This index cross references entries in the 1825, 1830 and 1831 censuses for Seigneurie de Noyan, Seigneurie de Foucault, and Seigneurie de Sabrevois. Contributed by David J. Ellis, added Feb 2009.
1852 Census for Missisquoi Co, Quebec and for Clarenceville, Rouville Co., Quebec. This indexed transcription has Stanbridge, St. Armand (East, West and Phillipsburg) Dunham, Sutton, and St. George de Clarenceville. Many may know this as the 1851 census. The title is being listed as the 1852 census, since it was actually taken during the early months of that year. Each transcription is fully indexed and also contains individual page links to the original images on Library and Archives Canada so that potential transcription errors can be easily checked. Contributed by David J. Ellis, updated Feb 2009.
Clarenceville 1852: Surname Index District 10
Dunham 1852: Surname Index District 1, District 2 and District 3
St. Armand East 1852: Surname Index District 1 and District 2
St. Armand West 1852: Surname Index District 1 Phillipsburg, District 2 and District 3
Stanbridge 1852: Surname Index District 1 and District 2
Sutton 1852: Surname Index District 1 and District 2
Cleveland 1901 census - extracted by Russell Saffin.
Shipton 1901 census - extracted by Russell Saffin.
Tingwick 1901 census - extracted by Russell Saffin (May 2000).
Census image browser. This browser provides access to the Missisquoi census images at Library and Archives Canada for the years 1825 through 1891. Contributed by David J. Ellis, added Oct 2014. 

Additional useful sites for the Eastern Townships and Canada.
Library and Archives Canada -- border entry records, 1908-1918 and 1925-1935
Montreal Archives
History of Compton County, Eastern Townships
http://missisquoigenealogy.blogspot.com/ ** See message in comment section.
Quebec Family History Society
Some Cemetery Locations Around Missisquoi Bay http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~qceastwn/archives/CemeteryLocations.html
Brief Account of the Fenian Raids 1877
In 2010, I wrote a post called, "My Favorite Historical Society is on a Stamp!" It's about the Missisquoi Historical Society, in Stanbridge East, Quebec, Canada, and why I like it.
In addition to the above, I frequently use FamilySearch.org (link for Quebec, non-Catholic parish registers, 1763-1967) and the international edition of Ancestry.com (subscription).
January 2018 edition of ‘Facebook for Canadian Genealogy’
UPDATE: JULY 7, 2015: Gail Dever posted a link to her blog, "Genealogy à la carte," telling us about "Drouin Institute’s free online database now holds more than 1.6 million Canadian obits. The Drouin Institute has added 246,000 recent obituaries to its bilingual website GenealogyQuebec for a total of 1,685,650 Canadian obituaries, from 1999 to 2015." UPDATE: Gail Dever posted, My 10 favourite genealogy collections and initiatives in 2015, please click on the link to view her post.
UPDATE: October 21, 2016: From Ancestry.com Blog, "10 Things to Know About Quebec Notarial Records" and read Learn more about our new collection of Quebec, Canada, Notarial Records, 1626-1935 collection with these helpful research guides—English (US) version and French version.
UPDATE: JULY 29, 2016: David Graham submitted the following bits of information and links:
Canadian families. Basically the are which in 1830 was 20% French and 80%
English by 1930 became 80 % French and 20% English. The book *A Village in
Transition: Compton Quebec 1880-1920, *
online, tells the story poignantly. In it there are five references to
Irish settlement of the area.
For more references please consult my website at Clinton Community College:
October 2017...
Search: Census of Canada, 1921
Drouin Institute launches new blog and updates baptisms/burials database
https://www.genealogiequebec.com/blog/en/January 2018
From: Northern New York American-Canadian Genealogical Society. A 1 page listing of their library holdings of books in their CANADIAN INVENTORY AS OF MARCH 1, 2016.