Special Exhibition of Holiday Images from the Permanent Collection. (Please click on the YouTube video/music.) This exhibit closes February 4, 2018.
Home for Christmas for McCall's magazine, December 1967. |
Every year the town recreates this scene by clearing the street of modern cars and replaced them with many antique cars, all displayed for us to enjoy. I attended the "28th Anniversary Recreation of Main Street at Christmas" on December 3rd. To read blog and see many photos, click HERE.
A personal card and cards he designed for the Boy Scouts.
Freedom from Want, The Saturday Evening Post, 6 March 1943. |
Freedom of Speech, The Saturday Evening Post, 20 February 1943. |
In the lower level are many covers he designed for The Saturday Evening Post. I am showing a part of one wall, there were three.
Family Tree for The Saturday Evening Post, 24, 1959. |
Unfortunately, I didn't get to see the Family Tree because it is on loan to another museum.