All reference materials are located on the second floor.
Genealogies are located in this section. Reference books are in another area, and the city directories are near the reference librarian. There is a genealogist librarian, and if you are lucky, she might be working the time you are there. On September 17, 2017, the Lowell Sun newspaper wrote an article about the above painting, Lee's Surrender.
Hallway and stairs.
There is a separate room with readers, I believe there are 2-3.
(Reflection on screen shows the street behind.) |
The film is located in the above file cabinets.
Permission granted to take the photos above. (April 2012, June 2014)
Birth index from 1915-1955; Marriage Index from 1901-1950; Death Index from 1876-1934 from local newspapers were prepared by a dedicated genealogist/volunteer Shirley E. (Johnson) Rathbun in 1999 and are stored on the above shelf.
Stained glass window looks quite different with light shining on it at night.
Photos below taken from the 2nd floor.
In 2016 I wrote another blog about doing Lowell research at another location in the city. I wrote: "Patrick J. Mogan Cultural Center) is maintained by the University of Massachusetts Lowell. The building is owned by the Lowell National Historical Park. In the building are also office space, restrooms, and the entrance to the Mill Girls and Immigrants Exhibit (see 3rd picture for a full picture of the building). There is no close parking, but a block away there is on-street parking with meters and a parking garage on John Street. During the summer and class breaks is the very best time to use this library because school is out (a 4,000 student high school is a block away), and parking could be tight." To see my photos and read more information, see: Doing Genealogy in Lowell, Massachusetts? Here is Help.