
The Life From The Roots blog topics have changed several times since I began this blog in 2009. I initially wrote only about the family history I had been working on for 20 years. Years later, I was into visiting gardens, historical homes, churches, libraries that had genealogical collections, historical societies, war memorials, and travel/tourism places. I also enjoy posting autographs and photos of famous people I've met or have seen.

Along with my New England roots, other areas include New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and the Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada.

Please check out the labels on the right side for topics (please note, they need work). Below the labels and pageviews is a listing of my top nine posts, according to Google. Four of them pertain to Lowell, MA. These posts change often because they are based on what people are reading.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Historic Lyman Estate and Greenhouses, Waltham, Massachusetts

185 Lyman Street
Waltham, MA
(Phone numbers on the flyer below.)

Front entrance. The first photo shows the back of the house.

The Lyman Estate, a Federal-style country home, now on 37 acres, was built in 1793 as a summer home to get away from Boston. It was built by a shipping merchant, Theodore Lyman (a very nice website about the man and the house). 
My husband and I visited this house during the free open house to welcome the 2018 season. As a result, it was quite crowded, and there were no tours, but there were two employees to answer questions. I will go back another time to take the tour, and quite possibly we'll see one or two additional rooms. Note: We re-visited at the end of August, had a tour, and were able to see the bedroom on the second floor.

The Ballroom is so beautiful. We went to an outdoor wedding here years ago, and the reception was in this room.

This room is next to the ballroom, so it is probably used for weddings. This is a very rare oval room. The yellow on the wall is not paint, but wallpaper!
Dining room.

Enclosed cabinets of china, in a small pantry.

Looking into the Library, and I couldn't wait to see the colorful tiles around the fireplace.

Photos of the staircase.
Looking at the second floor, and looking down at the garden.

 We saw only one bedroom.

The huge rhododendrons were vibrant under the threatening sky. The house looks so small behind the shrubs.

A short walk across the grass brings you to the well-known greenhouse, one of the oldest in the United States. I've visited this many times through the years, usually in February or March, when the camellias are in bloom.

Photos from Historic New England site:

I have decided not to use the Comment feature for my blog. If you would like to leave a comment for me or ask a question, please write me at my email: Thank you.

My reason is that from November 2017 to May 2018, I received no comments, but upon investigating I found that I had indeed received 167 legitimate ones and 1,000 were in the spam folder. Google Blogger had made some changes that I was unaware of. Please be aware that I do not know who reads my blog, I may know who subscribes, but that is all.